"What have you done,you twisted bitch?" Thia Was alarms, while looking at Zinesh dead body.

"Seems you still have a big mouth you brat. Maybe I'll do the world a favour by cutting off your tongue" Talia said as she approached Thia who couldn't escape because of her broken leg

"W-why are you doing this Talia"?

"Why? Why? I've been asking for that question for a long time why? Why? Why?!!" Talia screamed like a mad woman

"Why doesn't he look at me?"

"Why does he not want to spend time with me like he does with you?"

"Why did he choose to take you with him to town instead of me?"

"Why? Why? Why?"

"I always loved him but he would only spend time with a midget like you"

"Love? Spend time?" Thia asked her crazed sister

"He's our Uncle you fool. Nothing could ever happen between you two.. And he was already engaged..."

"I know he was engaged to that ugly toad or what's her name..."

"But I thought he was only playing with her, you know, until the time when I become the person for him, the woman for him" Talia said like a love struck maiden

"Oh my God I'm going to puke" Thia said

"You are crazy, you killed him for something that could never be. What kind of monster are you?"

"The type that stabs people at the back". Talia said as she pointed to Zinesh's body

She then approached Thia to also kill her but as she approached she saw her reflection in the pool of zinesh blood and she looked a mess.

"Ooh my face, what happened to my hair? she screamed while touching her face

Sigh…. "It seems I don't need to kill you" Talia said as she looked as Thia

"I will leave you here with your beloved uncle, die, survive I don't really care". She said as she tied her messy hair and left her injured sister on the floor with their dead uncle.

"I'll find you one day sister.... "Thia said to Talia, "and when I do, I'll kill you" she added

"Whatever" Talia said as she left her sister for dead


Two days later, Thia woke up in a prison cell. As she was about to stand up she felt a pain that reminded her of her broken leg.

"Thia, Thia" someone called out to her

She looked back and saw Amy, Vicky and some other children she knew from her village.

"You are all here " she said with a bit of happiness and sadness. Are you alright Amy". In which Amy shook her head and replied

"I'm scared Thia".

"Don't worry Amy, we'll be fine" Thia said as she held onto her friends

After a while of comforting each other Vicky finally spoke

"It seems we've already been bought, that's why we are in a moving carriage separated from the boys."

Thia looked around and noticed that there were only little girls in the carriage

Whoever bought them, needed only little girls and no matter how much she thought about it she always had a bad feeling about where they were going. After a while of thinking she decided to ask the others about their stories and if they knew what happened to their parents.

Amy's mom escaped but her dad was not so lucky

Same with Vicky, but she also lost her little brother when they were escaping

Most of their stories were very sad which ended with them crying whenever a child told hers. There were a number of 21 girls there and that meant a lot of crying which almost deafened their captors. They could gag them but they couldn't risk damaging the merchandise so most of them just sucked it up. All of the girl would cry except one ofcourse It was the little devil, Thia.

The journey continued for another half a day before, they finally got to their destination, a small manor in the middle of nowhere. It was quite huge and had different houses around it and it was well guarded. It obviously belonged to a rich person, probably a noble Thia thought at the sight of the huge house in front of them. After a while, a man came out of the Manor to attend to the slavers. The man spoke to one of the men before the handing over a bag to them after which the slaver that brought the children left.

The man who spoke to the slavers then spoke to one of the guards and the guard released the children from their cages and where guarded to one of the smaller houses. When they got inside, they saw some women dressed in maid cloths in the small house which was confirmed to be a bath house and a big one at that. After a while the girls were told to undress and have their bath. After the girls had their bath, they were guided once again to the dining hall where they were served and they ate till they were filled. After that, they were taken to their rooms, where they were told to sleep as it was already late. The next day, the same thing happened again. First, they had their bath, changed their cloths to very beautiful cloths, played, ate lunch again, played some more, some that wanted to do other things were allowed, with supervision ofcourse, when night came they ate dinner and went to bed.

Thia's leg was even treated

Thia was at first shocked at their treatment, it was not even close to what she was expecting but she still kept her guard up and didn't allow anything pass by her easily, or so she taught.

"Hope the preparations are going smoothly?", the butler of the manor, who attended to the slavers ,said to one of the guards on the sixth night of the girl's arrival

"Yes sir, everything has been prepared"

"Ok then, Lord Ajor will be arriving tomorrow make sure everthing is in place for his arrival."

"Yes sir" the guard replied and left.

On the seventh day of their arrival, Thia, during breakfast couldn't eat. She was becoming more uncomfortable with the way they were being treated, it all seemed too good to be true and she was right if only she knew what was in store for them that night , she would have doubled her efforts towards trying to escape.

Thia had made several attempts at escaping but she couldn't as she didn't see any plan that would involve all of them escaping that easily. On her own, she had a chance but she didn't want to leave her friends alone,

"Why are you not eating?" Amy's voice woke Thia up from her daydreaming.

"I'm not really hungry" Thia replied

"Ohh…are you alright"? Amy asked again

"It's nothing, I just don't feel like eating"

Ever since her mom and uncles deaths , food just seemed like garbage to her

She could really kill for some of her mom's nagging right about now.

After their usual routine the girls eat dinner and went to bed like every other night

"I guess I'll try escaping with Amy and Vicky at first, then, get the others out later" Thia said as she laid on her bed before sleep made its way into her eyes…