Chapter 12 Kin Orun

In the Capital city of Wize, Pshen, celebrations could be see going on in the streets and home of both the common and the nobles. Even the royal palace was not exempted from this, as it was being celebrated, the tenth birthday of the Prince of the Wize kingdom. The King had announced the celebration three days prior to the day and celebrations have begun since then.

"Hope everything has been prepared for the feast tonight" King Ken asked his most trusted guard who had refused to leave his side ever since he fell ill

"Yes your highness. Everything is in order. But…"

"Speak Faruk, what is it?"

"It's about the prince my lord."

"What did he do now…?"

"Well as you know he is to carry out the "kadi" this year, but things have not exactly gone has planned."

"How is that Faruk?" The king asked

"Well he didn't make any significant progress in any of the criterias he is meant to prove himself."

"And he skips out on the trainings and doesn't take them seriously"

"You mean he's still a dumb foolish child?" the king asked

"Yes, I mean no my lord."

"You don't need to be modest Faruk"

"I know how he is, he's my son after all and it was my duty to raise him right. But as you can see I didn't" the king said in a regretful tone.

Ever since he became ill, raising the prince had become the duty of the queen who spoilt the child.

"So what do we suggest we domy Lord ?..we can't skip tradition…"

"Yes we can Faruk, yes we can if it will end up being a disgrace , I don't see why the 'kadi' has to take place. The prince would have to prove himself some other day some other way, just not today, is that clear?"

"Yes my Lord". Faruk replied while bowing before he left to carry out the king's order.



Everyone was dancing and celebrating the birthday of the prince, kin Orun. The only son of the King and Queen and also heir to the throne of Wize. The chubby prince could be seen in his royal attire designed with gold and with the countries logo and royal insignia on it. Beside him stood his mother and if not for the confirmation by the midwife during the delivery, one could argue that she didn't give birth to this ogre like creature. Contrary to her son , she was fit, well-shaped and indeed pretty. The King sure has great taste. The King on the other hand had retired to his chambers earlier, under the pretext of drunkenness. He wasn't going to show his subjects his pitiful state.

"Happy birthday, your highness, long may you live" a young maiden said slightly bowing and greeting the young prince.

"Lady Jamila you are looking lovely" the young prince said almost drooling at the sight of the young lady in front of him. One wouldn't need to seer to tell the kind of pervert the prince would grow up to be.

He would reply quickly to his male well-wisher and take his time to flatter all the maidens ,one after the other,like he was interviewing them for his harem.

"My Lord I noticed the 'Kadi' wasn't performed according to tradition, may I ask why?" Jamila asked

"o-h o-h erm erm, the prince tried to find an excuse and explain.."

"I hope it has nothing to do with your father illness?"

"No, I mean yes.. wha-…" the prince struggled for words for the first time since the party started

"The reason why the 'Kadi' wasn't performed has been explained earlier" someone responded from behind

"I believe you were present at the time, Lady Jamila" Faruk continued

"Yes I was Sire, but I just wanted to hear from the horse's mouth…"

"The prince is not a horse, he is the Future king of this kingdom and the heir to the throne, show some respect Lady Jamila, I'm sure your parent taught you that much". Faruk said tearing into the young maiden and tearing her apart. Immediate she left the ball room ashamed and feeling disgraced

"Thank for saving my neck Faruk" Kin said in appreciation

"Don't worry when my father dies I wi…" Kin whispered before Faruk cut him off

"You shouldn't say a thing like that , your highness" Faruk said before leaving the prince to return to the King's side.

After the brief scolding from Faruk, the prince went to the balcony closest to the ball room for some fresh air, but he was immediately followed by his mother.

"Why are you following me mother?" Kin asked recognizing her footsteps

"Why is the celebrant leaving the celebration?" his mother replied

"Because everyone is being annoying" Kin Whined..

"Does that include me?" the queen asked with a bit of annoyance

"No mum, you're always a dear" kin replied as he rolled his eyes

"It's just, everyone is so obsessed with living in a particular way that…"

"Shut up Kin" the queen said before he could finish his ranting

"You are the future king of this kingdom and you must behave as such. I won't let you throw your future away because you want to live in some dumb fantasy."

"I know mum . But... must I be this chivalrous, strong warrior with nice body that everyone wants…?"

"Oh my boy, come here…" the queen said as she drew him closer. "You are Kin Orun, and you can be anything you want to be… in your dreams, not in the real world. If you don't start taking things seriously, you will not make it for long after your father" the queen said as she turned to leave.

As she was leaving the balcony Faruk came running "your highness, my queen the palace is under attack" he said

"What do you mean under attack?" The queen asked "where is the King?"

"In his chambers there's no time to explain we must leave now!"!Faruk spoke in haste,as he ordered the soldiers with him to take the royals away from there.


The king chambers

"It seems you have decided to betray me, brother" Ken said to the man in front of him.

It was his step brother Jai.

"What can I say, King Jai Orun ,has a nice ring to it" Jai replied his brother

"You think you are going to be accepted by the people"

"I don't need their acceptance, I only need the courts"

"And those that don't accept, will die. I'm sure you know, brother"

"But that's not why in here" he said as he looked at his brother in the face, he smiled at him before slitting his throat.

As his brother was dying, Jai whispered to his ear. "Don't worry , your son will join you soon".


"Were you not supposed to be with my father" Kin asked Faruk who was leading them out of the palace

"I was but he ordered me to save both of you"

"What? how?when did he do that?" Kin asked

"Less questions, more running ,my prince" Faruk responded as he fought off some of the rebels that tried to capture the queen and prince.

Faruk was a great fighter, in just few seconds he cut down four men without breaking even a single sweat.

After over an hour of running and fighting they finally got to a tunnel that leads outside the palace.

"Take this your highness" Faruk said handing over a coin and map to the prince. "It belongs to my people far in the desert. Go there and show them this, you'll be treated as one of their own".

"And also , here's a change of clothes, no one must know who you are , your highness, do you understand?"

"What about my father...the kingdom…"

"Don't worry about all that, just go"

"Let's go Kin, there is nothing more we can do here" the queen said as they both went into the tunnel and the guards went another way.