Show yourself or else...

"Shut up, Kadara" Plutonia said as she came out and stood before the goddess

"I came here to ask you a question and I want you to answer me" Plutonia said with her usual carefree tone.

"You dare come into my domain and make demands" Kadara roared at the insolence Plutonia displayed, even though she was the intruder.

"Didn't I just tell you to shut up" Plutonia said as she appeared in front of Kadara kicked her against the wall.

Kadara was shocked at how strong her fellow goddess was.

She coughed out blood and immediately summoned her weapons and amour to prepare for battle.

The goddess now wore a blue amour with a spear in her hand as she floated in the sky.

"You'll pay for the intrusion with your life Plutonia". Kadara said as she charged towards Plutonia

She used her spear to try and impale Plutonia but she blocked with her hand before grabbing the spear and throwing Kadara away. Kadara lost her balance and tried steadying herself but before she could, she felt a sharp pain in her neck as Plutonia hit her with her elbow.

"She's fast" Kadara thought

Kadara readied herself again and this time her eyes began to glow.

Plutonia moved again with great speed but this time Kadara was able to keep up with her speed. The two exchange blows and each exchange caused the domain to shake immensely.

"Foresight unh?" Plutonia thought s she looked at the goddess in front of her.

"You're no match for my fore sight, death"…

"You'll die here and now" Kadara said as she activated her Domain...

"You shouldn't have come here, death. You of all people should know that it's a bad idea to fight a goddess in their domain. This is my territory, my palace and domain and you're going to die here".

"Suddenly huge threads could be seen coming out of every direction in the domain.

"Domain Activation threads of Fate" Kadara said as some threads wrapped round her hand

"Thread of fate unh"? Plutonia said as she touched one of the thread around her, immediately her left hand crumbled.

"Careful death, those threads can alter the fate of anything they come in contact with"...Kadara said as Plutonia's hand crumbled

"Have you forgotten who I am ?"Kadara said, as she once again attacked Plutonia with her spear.

Bang and clash between her spear and Plutonia's punch was very powerful.

"You are the one who seems to have forgotten who I am, Kadara". Plutonia responded as she looked at Kadara

Immediately their eyes met Kadara saw her death flash in her eyes which made her falter. Before she could regain her senses she felt a blow on her stomach.

Plutonia's punch left a huge hole which killed the goddess immediately.

Kadara was the goddess of fate once she activated her domain she could overturn her fate as many times as she wants. Immediately she died the threads began to form together bringing her back.

"You can't ki..." Kadara said as she was revive before a hand grabbed her throat

Plutonia's hand grabbed the revived goddess in the throat before she could start talking again.

"You talk too much, Kadara".

"I killed you because I want you to know that I can see it".

"The number of ways that you can die, I can see it with my eyes and I can kill you over and over again" Plutonia said before putting another hole on Kadara's chest which again killed her and again she was revived.

After killing her for the Hundredth time, Plutonia finally asked her "are you ready to answer .my question now Kadara?".

The goddess nodded her head in response as couldn't talk due to Plutonia grabbing her throat.

"Now..." Plutonia said dropping the goddess of fate on her buttocks

"What can you tell me about Gor Kindel, Thia Leye and Kin Orun" Plutonia asked Kadara

"I- I don't know... "The goddess stammered

"Ofcourse you do, you are the wise and powerful goddess of fate remember"?

"You have been intervening in the affairs of everyone or as far as I can remember, otherwise you won't be wise or powerful" Plutonia said mockingly

"I don't know anything" Kadara said with a shaky voice. She was scared, really scared. She have often wondered why the other god feared death and her siblings and now, she has the full gist. Death is no one to be toyed with.

"Ok then, tell me who does" Plutonia asked

"I don't know" Kadara answered once more

"Ok the let's try this" Plutonia said as she placed her hand on Kadara's mouth.

"It's called truth or die". Immediately, Plutonia's hand began to glow.

"I've placed a curse on your tongue, now I'm going to ask you a question and if you lie the curse will kill you in the most painful way possible. Should we try it??"

"Do you like Ra-ra?"

"Who?" Kadara asked

"Ra-ra my brother, the Sun"

"No". Kadara answered confused

"Do you always mind your business?" Plutonia asked , again

"Yes" Kadara answered

Immediately her body began to shake and black liquid came out from her mouth, she was dying. Her domain crumbling before her eyes was proof of it.

Plutonia then grabbed the suffering and dying Kadara and said "I can make it quick if you answer my question".

"Please..." Kadara said as her suffering grew every second

"My question..." Plutonia said not moved by the pleading goddess

"My mother, she came to me, she knows everything you seek please mwake tit shtop" Kadara struggled to speak

"You see, it's not that hard" Plutonia responded as she put her hand through Kadara's heart and destroyed her godly essence before teleporting back to her domain.