
Atlas Kali's domain

Kali the goddess of time had been in a bit of disarray since she had lost her daughter Kadara. To make things even worse Kadara's murderer had been let off with just a slap on the wrist. Nothing pissed Kail more off the way the gods acted like spineless fools when it came to Ra and his siblings. She's knew why they were feared but, her fear of them unlike some others amongst the gods, had grown very cold. She could still remember what happened three million years ago and she couldn't help but feel, the gods could have done more in stopping Plutonia from cursing them.

She bit her lips as she remembered being so afraid that she nearly cried herself to death. She had promised not to feel like that again. That was why she didn't care pissing off the very people that had damned both gods and demons alike.

In a secret place in her domain, Kali walked in the room which looked like a lab and was staring at the various tubes and storage they had stored countless demons and even some divines. They had been experimenting on the carcasses of some divine being that had died over the millions of years due to not having enough souls to keep their beings. Gods and demons needed souls as nutrition to sustain their being for eternity, although they could lay of it for a million years, any longer would cause them to become faint and make them start losing their being. Since they were unable to have an unlimited access to souls like they did in the past, they had to make up for it using the powers of faith and choosing a champion to carry their Blessing, which was a part of their divine essence. In exchange for this power a divine being or demon would claim the soul of the person with their Blessing or curse after the person's demise in the mortal realm.

That was one of the reasons why some divines chose to give away their blessings to some mortals and the demons seek people falling into despair to have them summon their curse. All so they can claim their souls and hope to live for another million years.

Kali looked around the secret lab and walked to one of the gods in the lab.

"Any progress, Rhy"? Kali asked

"No my lady, we have been unable to creat someone with the ability that we possess to absorb souls".

"The body you provide I must say is very powerful for a mortal, but so far it has rejected, any divine or demonic ability we tried to introduce into it. If not for it's powerful soul will, she'll have been completely disintegrated by now".

Kali stared at the figure in a large glass tube floating in Golden liquid. She had, been trying to create, the perfect being for so long that will solve her soul deficiency problem for a while but it had all been met with countless failures, she had waited for so long to get to this moment but she needed the fate essence to carry out some of the things she needed. "Damn you death" Kali cursed Plutonia for the umpteenth time.

As she was thinking on her next move Truin came in and whispered something to her. After that she left the lab accompanied by Truin.

They both got to a garden where a woman was waiting for Kali.

"Nyxa" Kali said as she saw the goddess of darkness.

"Hello Kali, how are you doing"? the goddess asked.

"I'm alright, and how is your mother. I heard she had to go into a deep slumber to slow down her Deficiency".

"Yes" Nyx said. The goddess had just joined the ranks of other gods and goddesses no too long ago after her mother had passed on the essence of darkness to her since she became ill with the soul deficiency after consuming her last soul over five million years ago, even before the day of damnation. It was difficult to find a human who could hold her blessing of darkness without falling into total darkness, body, soul and all.

Very few humans had powerful soul wills after all, and the powerful the divine being or demon, the more powerful the soul will required to hold the blessings or curse. Afterall, One can't fill the sea into a river, it will only over flow and destroy everything in it's path.

Nyxa was still young and was quite sad about her mother, the gods were dying and there was nothing she could do about it.

"What if I told you, there was a way for us to get your mother back on her feet. A way for us to claim more souls, even more than we could ever imagine".

Nyxa could not help but be drawn into Kali's words. More souls than they could ever imagine?.

"The veil after years have been weakened, now is the time to return to our glory days and bring divines back to their glory". Kali said.

"Are you talking of another world reset". Nyxa asked.

"No, but we can get there if things go according to plan.

But first I need your help". Kali said

"What do you need me to do", Nyxa was ready to do anything to save her mother.

"Help me perform a litc ritual. I need the powers of fate to complete my plan. But since Kadara is dead I need someone else to carry on the fate essence".

"What!? Nyx screamed, a litc ritual? Are you crazy, we can't do that without the council's knowledge. It's..."

"Oh please, we can do it without those cowards, they are the reason we are in this mess in the first place. They have given Ra and his siblings too much space, those abominations have been allowed to share the same space as us, it both disgusting and appalling. We can't rely on a council that has been watching as we gods slip away with time. We need to act, and the time is now."

Nyxa thought of what Kali said and although she was not really convinced, she couldn't deny some truth behind Kali's word, not about Ra and his siblings, she was too scared of them to even say their name, but about the council watching as they slipped away with time, something needed to be done.

"Ok, let's say I agree, we still need more gods to help. Five to be precise". Nyxa said.

"What do you think I've been doing all this while." You are the last person we need since you have access to your mother's council Totem. It will allow us to do what needs to be done without any disturbances".

"Alright, Nyxa said. So who have you chosen to carry on the fate essence"?. Nyx asked

"Now that's where things get interesting" Kali said with a smirk.

After a while of explaining her plan, Nyx eyes were wide in shock. She wondered if Kali's plan was even possible to accomplish. It was something that was definitely impossible to attempt. Kali had convinced her by telling her to imagine if it worked, just for a while Nyxa let herself imagine the possibility and what it meant for them. She couldn't help but join hands with Kali, consequences be damned.