It's a girl

The refugee camp was located in the northern part of Miaan close to the border between Omi and Dura one of the province in Wize kingdom.

The refugees had been organized and put in tents that had been prepared. Although it was dangerous to let people into their kingdom like this, it was either this or they risked people sneaking in and being exposed anyway. This way they were able to control things to an extent.

Gor looked around and he saw lots of people numbered in over two thousand, he saw alot of women and children and some men who had take up the rolls of helping to get food for the women and children with the help of the soldiers. Since their movements were restricted, the children could only play in the parts they were allowed and although few of them were in the mood to play, children would still be children.

In one of the tents a pregnant woman was sitted, looking at her stomach one could tell she had been pregnant for a while and her due date was at any moment. She sat down and spoke with one of the girls present.

"I heard the princess will arrive soon, please when she comes make sure you behave yourself Thena, ok, and when you get to the capital follow all instructions given to you, do you understand?". The woman said with a caring voice. Thena looked at her and understood the real meaning in her words.

"Yes Aunt Naima". She replied with a smile

"We'll try not to miss you too much" she added making the lady give her a glance.

"Don't mind her" another girl said. Thia walked to Naima and gave her a glass of water.

"We will behave ourselves".

"I Know you will my dear" Naima replied collecting the glass with a smile.

"Make-" Naima was about the speak again when she felt a small discomfort.

"O my God" she said.

"Thia, get Nori. I think the baby is coming" she said with a voice of urgency, both girls looked at each other with a small confusing look before snapping back to reality and getting Naima's husband who came running as fast as his legs could.

After some hours a new life was born into the world.

Thia stood out side the tent and she could not help but wonder how it was even possible to have such a spy. A whole family of spies. And a real one at that. Nori and Naima were spies for Wize that had been in Dura for a while and when the war started they were given orders to help Hansi's team members Thia and Thena get into the Omi kingdom. It didn't matter how, they just had to do it.

'How will they raise a child with that kind of life..." Thia could not help but wonder.

The first time they saw Naima, they thought she was not really pregnant. But after few weeks of posing as her lost neighbor's daughters they had found out she was really pregnant.

"It's a girl" the doctor said from inside the tent and Nori could be heard squealing with joy and concern for his child and wife.

After cleaning the child the doctor handed her to the father who took the baby closer to her mother. A big happy spy family.

The doctor came out and called the two girls to come see the baby and their aunt, after that they both made their way into the tent. They went to see the child and Thia could not help but smile at the cute little thing.

"Too bad we'll only be spending few days here, I would have loved to spend some time with the cute baby" Thia said.

Thena just stood there for a while before leaving with a sad expression.


Gor who had been watching the camp for a while saw that there was something drawing people's attention towards a particular tent. It was not everyday people gave birth in the camp, so it was kind of a big deal since some people knew Naima and Nori. After investigating Gor found out a refugee was giving birth, he came as close as he could to the tent and watched as things unfolded. After some time of watching, he saw two girls coming out of the tent. One had silver like short hair and the other had dark brown hair and was smaller than the other. Immediately Gor saw Thia, something drew him to her, it was something he could neither explain or understand, it was as if he had Known her all his life but he knew he had never seen her before. After watching for a while Thia looked his way, which surprised Gor. Immediately he left so his cover won't get blown.


Thia who had followed Thena out of the tent to ask her why she felt sad seeing the child. After a while she felt like someone was looking at her. She looked around but she found no one. After a while she felt maybe she was imagining things but the feeling kept on lingering. Immediately she looked towards the woods and she could feel its was Coming from there. She wanted to go and check but she felt the person was leaving.

"What was that all about"? she thought as she went after Thena.


"I can't believe she spotted me." Gor thought as he walked around the city of Miaan. Miaan was one of the ten province in Omi and it was a very Large and lively city, even a bit bigger than the capital. Gor who had now changed from the dark cloak he was wearing was now wearing a small jacket and blue pant blending into the crowd. Wearing a cloak around wasn't going to do him any good, given he was trying to not draw the attention of the various security men he could see patrolling Miaan, ensuring order. Gor made his way into the market and decided to get something good to eat, since he couldn't go into one of the fancy places in Miaan due to his circumstances, he settled for a simple food stall in one of the local areas and ordered something to eat. As Gor was eating, two men in guard uniform came in and ordered some food. The way they spoke to the shop owner showed they were regulars and after a while they were served.

"So I heard the There would be a small party thrown for the princess in Lord Dew's Mansion." One of the guards named Ben spoke

"O really? When is that"? His friend Sam asked

"Tomorrow evening after she has visited the refugee camp there would be a small feast. I heard it from my sister who was chosen as one of the cooks for the event".

"Oh I wish we could attend, just thinking about the delicacies makes my mouth water" Sam the chubby guard said.

"You should really cut down on your eating unless you want Gloria to dump your fat ass again".

"She's not going to do that".

"What are you going to do if she does, chase after her with you fat ass, I bet you can't catch up even if she was crawling".

"Shut up. Well at least I have someone".

"Don't worry I'll also find someone soon, and who knows, she might even be as pretty as the princess." Ben said

"What?! Haha.. you think you can get someone as pretty as the princess"?

"Ofcourse, I'm more charming than most guys out there" Ben replied

His friend was still busy laughing at him uncontrollably.

As they were talking Gor walked pass them since he was done eating.

"Hey who's that boy"? Sam asked

"I don't know, I've never seen him before, maybe he's new here". Ben answered

"After they had both eaten one of the guards spoke to the shop owner".

"Mr. Rondo we're leaving,"

"Alright officers, come again tomorrow the shop owner said with a smile

We sure will, and be sure to close early, there's still some cases of people missing all over, so make sure you close before it gets too dark out there". Ben said

"Ok Sir's thanks" the shop owner replied.

After over an hour the shop owner closed his shop with his assistant a young lady who was working as a waitress. She had gone to throw the trash before she would leave for her home after the days work. As she had put the waste into the bin she heard some strange noise, at first she thought it was still Her boss doing something in the shop so, she went to the shop entrance and she saw no one there. Since she saw nothing, she decided to leave for her home but immediately something attacked her and knocked her unconscious, afterwards, she was dragged towards the dark alleys, and dragged by the unknown.