Prince Vs soldier

Hana looked at the boy in front of her and she had a bad feeling about him. Ever since she had seen him in front of the golden comfort inn, she felt he was more than what was in front of her. They had gotten a tip that someone was coming to get something for Lord Rashid here. She was sent here along side the Handler in her group, Rebecca. Looking at the golden haired boy in front of her, she could not help but feel every hair in her body standing on their toes. Even though she was putting on a brave front, she felt her life would be forfeit if she is not careful.

"Well we'll just kill you and collect it off your corpse" Rebecca said since The boy was feigning ignorance.

"You go left, I'll take right, prioritize getting the cube" Rebecca ordered and Hana nodded in acknowledgement.

Both girls ran toward Kin together and Kin readied himself for combat.

Two kicks came towards Kin. One from above and another from below and Kin dodged both shocking both girl.

How's he able to move like that they both wondered as kin floated above one attack and below the other.

"I hate hitting girls but, as Ashell said both of them are no ordinary girls".

Kin sent a kick toward Rebecca but she blocked. But, before she knew what was going on a kick conneted with her face.

"Ooh sorry" Kin said as he hit her face.

Hana tried to attack but Kin, was able to block most of her attack, she saw a fist coming to her face and she blocked it only to receive another kick in her stomach.

Hana wondered how he was able to do that, masking his real attacks with other attacks.

Ashell studied Kins technique and saw it was really useful in battle. It helped to make him unpredictable and keep his enemies disoriented. Kin had trained using the technique before but she had never thought it would be useful in a real battle.

"Who thought you this technique?" Ashell asked.

"My Uncle Jai" Kin replied.

"What? I thought he hated you."

"Yes he does, but he lost a bet to my father two years ago, teaching me was his payment. Although I botched the training though" Kin said.

"Well clearly you didn't."

Both girl were standing up and were looking ready for another round.

"Stand Back Rebecca. I'll take care of him, just get ready to take the cube and leave" Hana said. Rebecca looked at her and she knew Hana was being serious.

"Are you going to use it?"

"Yes" Hana replied

Hana walked forward and claws began to grow from her hands and fangs from her teeth, the sound of bones breaking could be heard and fur began to grow on her hand and a bit on her face. After her transformation Hana's eyes began to glow blue and she let out a loud howl.


"Oh great Ra" Ashell said "She's cursed, this is Ceus's curse".

"Who?" Kin asked as he saw her transformation.

"Her curse is from Ceus the King of beast. A demon Lord"

"Ok, is this that bad" Kin asked

"Very.. Ashell replied You need to fight seriously or you die."

Kin nodded in understanding and got into a fighting stance

They both performed blink but Hana was faster due to getting a boost from her werewolf form, her claws dashed towards Kins face but he was able to dodge in a knick of time, but not unscratched.

She's faster Kin thought. He threw a back flip as he dodged and landed. Hana appeared again but Kin Blocked her claws and hit her face with his elbow.

Hana tried bitting him but Kin moved his hand.

"What are you? An animal?" Kin asked

Hana's partial transformation gave her incredible strength and Kin's attacks rarely stopped her but she was still unable to get a good attack on him. The more she increased her speed the more Kin did the same.

"I'm going to run out of juice soon" Hana thought

"She can't keep that transformation for long Kin had already sensed it" with the way she was hell bent on chasing him.

"I'll just keep on running till she runs out of juice".

Hana was about to attack again when suddenly someone appeared behind kin and Knocked him out cold before the boy even realized.

"Lady Melisse" both girls said as they saw the Lady.

"It seems you're having some trouble" Melisse said as she looked at both girls.

"Are you both going to stand there or will you get what we came for?"

"Rebecca ran forward and searched Kin, taking the cube away from him."

"Should I kill him?" Rebecca Asked

"Leave him, let Lord Rashid do it himself" Melisse replied and walked away.

Both girls followed and Hana looked at Kin probabaly for the last time.

"I wish I could fight him again. Even when I transformed be was able to keep up, he's strong. Maybe in his next life" she thought and left.

Few Minutes Later Kin asked in his mind

"Are they gone?"

"Yes… Did you really have to pretend?" Ashell asked.

"Ofcourse, those two girls I can handle, but, that woman gives me something worse than the creeps. I didn't even notice when she got behind me".

"What if they tried to kill you?

Thank the gods they didn't" Kin replied. Kin summoned the real cube and started to examine it.

"Are you sure you have analyzed it fully?" Kin asked

"Yes, it contents are a map of different routes. I think its for something that Rashid does, maybe supply routes for his business" Ashell said.

Kin pressed the side and an image came out the image was that of a map that had been marked in several areas.

"It seems they are communicating through this, they are indeed route, but for what I wonder."

Kin pressed the side again and the image stopped showing.

I guess it's time to get back he thought and started walking away.


In a secret base five girls and a woman stared at the cube and they couldn't help but git their teeth.

"That bastard played us Hana" said in fraustration.

"I think that Kid is really amusing" Melisse said.

"Daisy, Rafa when you girls get back to the mansion, Find out what you can about a boy with Golden Hair and eyes. He's not hard to miss".

'Yes Lady Melisse" Rafa replied and Daisy seemed to be lost again.