Old dogs, new enemies

Kin was on guard beside Jamila all through the day after the attack. She had insisted he stayed with her and won't let him go even when her father came to check on her. Although Rashid wanted to pin Kin to the wall with a spear, he refrained from doing that to the one who saved his daughter.

After the day went, Kin was still in Jamila's room laying beside her. He was thinking of how everything had gone smoothly and he had even gained Rashid's trust. In his head he seemed to be getting closer to his goal. He didn't realize, this was just a small wind compared to the storm coming.


In the middle of the night, three people stood on the roof of a building talking.

Melisse looked at the two men infront of her and she had no expected such a visit.

"What brings the future Lord of Bintan here at this hour?" Melisse asked.

"I'm here to make a deal Lady Melisse".

"Oh, so you know who I am?" she asked

"Ofcourse I do" Majeed replied.

"You should also know, only few people know who I am"

"Yes, and I know why" Majeed replied.

"What makes you think you will still be one of them" Melisse asked in a threatening tone.

"I've come to Make a deal Majeed" said trying really hard not to sound shaken.

"You have one minute" Melisse replied

"I will help you take Bintan and In return you spare my family and make me the head of Bintan."

"Why are you betraying your father?" Melisse asked

"I'm not betraying him, I'm only trying to save our people."

"We are cut off from the world and my father's refusal of chosing a faction will only cause our people to suffer. I don't want that" Majeed said.

"You are only trying to save your skin" Melisse responded seeing through his lies

"Your family enslaved people for profit and now you want to tell me you are suddenly worried about your people?

"Don't make me laugh. But still, I'll consider your offer, now scram before I kill you and Mr. I'm trying so hard to be intimidating over there".

Majeed wanted to speak but the man held his shoulder and shook his head.

"Let's just leave my Lord",

"Alright" Majeed sighed and left

"It seems we might end up taking this city after all" Melisse said after Majeed and the man left.


Capital city of Wize kingdom, Pshen

Seven men wearing black cloaks were looking at a building in front of them. Several light could be seen moving around this building checking it's surrounding and several guard were patrolling different parts of the building.

As all of them stared at the building, another man joined them wearing the same cloak.

"Did you confirm it?" One of the men asked.

"Yes my Lord, Just like we were told he's in there."

"Alright everyone, let's go, don't forget to move as fast as possible, Alex and I will take care of the rest."

Bale covered his face alongside the men with him and they all made their way into the building.

They cut a small hole through a wall and met a guard inside who they had paid to help them earlier.

"You should leave this country as fast as possible if you don't want to lose your life" Alex told the guard before paying him the rest of the agreed money.

Immediately the guard was settled Bale gave a final order.

"We have five minutes, Kill as many as possible, Alex lead the way" Bale said. Immediately the six men moved in two pairs and started going to different part of the prison killing all the guards and even some prisoners that tried to escape.

While the others were doing that, Bale and Alex moved to the deepest part of the prison using the map provided by their guard friend. They moved quickly silencing any guard that they saw permernently.

They got to the level of the prison where they kept the worse of the worst and Bale told Alex to split up and search the cells. Bale looked around and he saw different inmates, some smiled at him some ignored him while some just continued with what they were doing.

"My Lord over here" Alex called and Bale went to his position. When he got there he saw a man in a cell chained to the wall, unlike the others.

"He looks dead" Alex said.

"No he's not, I'm sure if you move too close to him he'll snap your neck and you'll be dead" Bale replied

Alex touched his neck and looked at the man who had now raised his head to see who was disturbing his nap.

"Hello Old dog". Bale said.

"Oh, it's you, the Kindel brat" Faruk said. Seeing through his mask

"I thought the next time I would see you would be in hell" Faruk added

"Well you were right" Bale replied, pointing at their surrounding

"Oh this place is paradise, As long as I don't get to see any of the faces of the four of you, I'm good." Faruk said

"Don't be like that, old dog. How will you like to go back to hell and haunt someone. I know you really want to" Bale said

"So you want to use me uhn. Why should I do what you want."

'Because if Jai wins everything King Ken built will become nothing but ash. Jai would destroy everything and turn this country upside down."

"But if you can turn his life upside down first, he might not be able to do it."

"Time's up my Lord" Alex said.

"So what do you say Old dog".

"Ahh, fuck it.." Faruk said as he yanked the chains off the wall.

"You should stand back" Bale told Alex.

Alex did as he was told and Faruk's door came crashing down on where he was previously standing.

"Y- you could have escaped all this while, why didn't you do that?". Alex asked.

"Please, the only prison that can keep me is in the after life, and like I said before, I was on leave and now I'm back" Faruk said and started walking away.

Few minutes later they all walked out of the prison leaving behind a massive jail break that would give Jai a lot of headache.

As they left Alex couldn't believe what they had just done. When Bale told him to assemble the others that they were going to Wize, he didn't even think they were going to break someone out of jail and now, here they were.

"Why did you do this my Lord?" Alex asked after they had left the prison.

"He shouldn't have come to Omi like that, Bale said. If he thinks he can just do as he likes then I will also do the same" Bale replied.