New generations

The eighteen team Squad that had just arrived at the red fort were all guided to their respective rooms. The squad consists of Five female and thirteen male minus the captain of the squad. All the men were given two rooms to share and the Ladies only had one since their number was few. The Captain would have his own quarters. In one of the rooms assigned to the men Mickey was getting settled in the room along with six others.

They were all talking about the events that transpire in the yard how it was going to affect their stay.

"Please make sure you refrain from talking to the kitchen staff Mickey I don't want them putting something in my food because you pissed them off" one of them Voiced out.

"Yes I agree, try as much as you can to keep him away from there, we already pissed off half of the entire base try not to give anyone else a reason to want to kill us". Another Joked.

"Although I knew he would say something crazy, I never expected him to ask if she had a boyfriend before calling her ugly"

"Yes, that's classic Mickey, he gives them a little hope before putting them down".

"Shut up you guys" Mickey said

I think the lieutenant is actually beautiful" Mickey added.

"You think? Then why did you call her ugly in front of everyone" One of the officers asked.

"Because If I had told her she was very beautiful, some people who never had eyes for her before will start doing so, By doing the opposite, I have cleared some obstacles from the way, so I can achieve my goal" Mickey stated

"And what exactly is your goal?" One of the asked curious

"That's none of your business, I want all of you to know this, if anyone of you develops the slightest crush for the lieutenant Dius I'll send you to hell. Now I'm off to search for the captain" He said with a smile and walked out.

They all stared at each other with confusion, they didn't think they would hear what they just heard now.

Few minutes later Mickey was walking around the fort with a young lady behind him. As they were both moving alot of glares and whisper were sent their way. It seems news of what happened earlier had travelled fast.

The lady behind Mickey noticed this and she could only sigh.

"You are always causing trouble Mickey" she stated.

"Uhn, what did I do?" Mickey asked.

"Did you really have to call a lady ugly in public?" She asked

"I had my reasons" Mickey stated

"And what reason would that be?" she asked

"That's not why I called you Amelia."

"We should go and look for the Captain, he said to come look for him if we arrived before him" Mickey said.

Amelia could only sigh, she felt she was the only sane superior amongst the three of them. Mickey was very rude to almost everyone, and their Captain, would occasionally disappear at anytime with little to no explanation.

He had done the same two days ago on their way here telling them to go ahead that he would probably even get there before them.

"He never takes anything seriously" Amelia thought.

The only time she felt they were both reliable was on the battle field. Mickey was a monster and their Captain was the big bad Monster.

"So, where do we begin to search for him?." Amelia asked.

"We'll both go to the last place we saw him" Mickey replied

"No, I don't want to go, we just arrived" Amelia said in frustration.

"No, you're better at direction than I and I'll just end up getting lost if I went on my own."

"That won't be a bad idea" Amelia stated

"You're not going to get rid of be that easily" Mickey stated.

They both got outside to the yard and they saw a scene they weren't really expecting.

Amelia face palmed as someone had become the center of attraction again, and not in a good way.

The man had dark hair that he had tied behind his head like a ponytail, he stood 6'4 tall and carried something on his hand

"Why do both of them have to be this troublesome" she wondered.

"Captain Mickey said with a happy tone, I'm glad you're not dead".

The man standing at the middle turned and saw his two Lieutenants with a smile, "Mickey, Amelia when did you guys arrive?" He asked.

"Just an hour ago" Mickey replied as he ran towards the captain. Where did you get those he asked pointing at the four huge beast the captain was crying.

"I sensed them on my way here and decided to bring them so we can use them to celebrate tonight" He said with a smile.

His words made everyone open their mouths in shock.

He was currently carrying three wild beast and one ferocious beast on his hand. It took an entire team to deal with that number of beasts and he had done it on his own. They all stared at the man and they could all tell he was still very young, definitely not up to twenty five. Not only was he a captain he must be very strong to be able to deal with this number of beasts on his own they thought.

Some tried to ascertain who he was, maybe they probably knew him but he was covered with dirt.

"Hey, you" he said pointing to one of the officers in the yard, "who should I give this to if I want them cooked?"

"The Kitchen is located in the second floor" the officers said.

"Then were can I keep this?" He askes

"Just keep then here I'll get the kitchen staffs to come and check on them."

"Make sure the Ferocious beast is saved for the commander and the captains", ok?

He stated before dropping them.

"So did you guys miss me" The Captain asked.

"Very much Captain, Mickey caused a scene again" Amelia quickly stated.

"Don't be a rat Amelia" Mickey replied.

"Calm down you two" Their captain said.

"Now where is the Commanders office I should go and see her."

"You're not going like that are you?" Amelia asked.

"Oh I should take a bath first" he said, "Where is my room?" he asked,

"The captains quarters is this way" Amelia said leading the way.

"I've kept your stuffs in there"

"Thanks Amelia"

"Anything for you Captain" she replied

"Dumb fan girl" Mickey stated making Amelia give him the middle finger.

Minutes Later the captain stood in front of the Commanders office looking clean and smart.

He wore a new uniform and looked very attractive compared to his earlier appearance. He was constantly stared at especially by most female officers who would stare endlessly at the dreamy young captain.

"I hope he's single" some of them prayed in their hearts.

He knocked on the door and a voice from inside told him to come inside.

He opened the door and right in front of him a woman was sitting behind a desk. Right beside the door was another desk belonging to a male officer who was busy with some documents.

The officer saluted him immediately he came inside and he nodded his head in acknowledgement.

Another person was in the room sitting in front of the commander.

The captain closed the door and walked forward before saluting the commander. He looked at her desk to get her name and saw the tag. Major. Lara Deanna

"Captain Jo Kindel reporting to the red fort and fort commander Major Lara".

"At ease captain", Commander Lara said.

"You can have your sit."

Jo sat down on a chair beside the officer that was there before.

"How was the trip to the fort Captain?" The commander asked.

"It was fine Commander" Jo replied.

"And how is your father, the general."

"He's also fine, but it's been two months since I last saw him, I hope he's well." Jo replied and the commander nodded

"I brought you hear to quickly brief you on issue personally. Normally I would have allowed your Squad to settle for a few days before sending you on any mission, but we are in a desperate need of you and your men. I heard you were one of the best among the new generations."

"We're yet to get to the level of our predecessors" Jo replied.

"I'm sure you will be better than the previous generations" Commander Lara replied, "now going back to business, Few weeks ago we received a disturbance report from one of our scouting units. It seemed like a some men were observed some men carrying some beasts to a location in the wilderness. One of the scouts came to make the report while the other stayed and observed things."

"A beast? What kind of beasts?" Jo asked.

"That was what made it highly suspicious commander Lara replied. It was a magical beast." She stated making Jo frown.

"Are there alot of magical beast here?' he asked.

"Definitely, there are alot of magical beast here but, as you know, magical beast are beast with high level of intelligence so, most of the time they tend to stay away from human settlement, as long as human settlements also stay away from them. The only times we go after such beast are when we are in need of them, and going after ferocious beast is troublesome enough, you need no less than someone in the rank of major to be able to deal with magical beasts and even then there is no guarantee the beast won't wipe the whole platoon out. Imagine our surprise when we found a group that was able to apprehend a magical beast. And bring it in alive" she added.

"They are not an ordinary group and they definitely have a specific goal in mind". Jo said

"Exactly my point." Commander Lara stated.

"Now, when the report was made I was busy so one of our captains captain Leah and her squad were sent on the mission, a mission which included lieutenant Duis here". Commander Lara stated pointing at Jane.

Jane took over from the commander and continued to explain the event.

Eventually the scouts had followed the men miles away from the fort and deep into the wilderness. The second scout had brought them to the location and when they arrived, they could not find the scout who had stayed.

"When we discovered the other scout was missing we decided to venture into the hideout, maybe he had gone inside to investigate further." Jane said

"We where 21 in number so our captain decided to split us into three groups, one group venture into the hideout, another, to check the surrounding in case there was anything else suspicious and the last squad was told to hold their position, incase any of the two squads needed help.

"I was with the captain and the so we went together into the cave".