Jo the new flame

The ferocious beast in front of Jo stared at its opponent with big its eye. It was as if it was trying to get a full scope of its opponent.

"Are you just going to stare at me or will you attack?" Jo asked.

"Well, if you don't I'll just attack you" Jo said and his sword burst into flames again. He jumped up so he could reach the beast in the air, he swung his sword when he was at a distance where his sword could reach but the beast but the sword hit nothing, he sensed something coming from his side a the beast collided with him from his left side in an instant.

"What are you? Some kind of bug bull?" Jo asked as he was sent flying from the sky.

"Damn, the beast is even stronger than the one I faced yesterday. It seems this wilderness is as dangerous as they say." Jo thought.

The beasts approached Jo again with great speed and he was barely able to quickly get out of the way before the beast could crush him. "It's large head is not for show" Jo said when he saw the impact of the attack.

"Although I think it's defense is lacking it still makes up for it with speed" Jo thought.

The beasts had started hovering around him again and was ready for another attack, Jo was ready this time stopping the beast launch with his sword. Their collision caused a huge bang that announced to everyone, that they should stay away from their fight.

The two continue to fight and Jo was able to match the beasts speed with his own blink.

"You're not the only fast one here" Jo said as he stopped the beasts crab like hand from hitting him. The beast saw the fight was going nowhere and launched it self higher to the sky. About 60ft.

"It can still go that high Jo thought", damned ferocious beast.

The beasts who was now High up in the sky looked at Jo and started descending it used it's wings to generate more momentum as it descended, it descended like a meteor so it could crush Jo. Jo at first wanted to dodge but what he saw next change his mind. As the beast was descending, more power was gathering on it head and he could see a tiny spark of lightning coming from it's head.

"Damn it, this beast is on the brink of becoming a Magical beast" he thought.

If I dodge the out come will still be the same.

" I guess I won't be able to move for a while after this he thought. Who knew this would happen this early into the mission? Just what is going on in this place?" He thought.

Everything was currently going wrong since he got here, people were capturing magical beasts alive in a place filled with magical beast. Not only was that dangerous on so many levels, it was a mission quite impossible. The only times anyone would be able to safely take out another magical beast was when other magical beast were either not present, or when their territory was still far away so an easy escape could be done. Anything else was mare suicide. Magical beast in close proximity hate each other, but when one dies or is defeated, the others start coming closer to see two things, one was who did it?, two will any of them be the next one?. They would definitely attack if any of them was taken alive. This made capturing a magical beast always a carefully planned mission. Else you would be dealing with more than you can handle.

Jo pushed all his thoughts to the back of his head and his Aura began to rise and flames covered his body. In few seconds his body was covered in a red Samurai amour. A small mask covered his face and he grew taller. Another sword was by his waist but he kept it in it's sheath. With his amour on Jo, summoned greater and stronger flames engulfing his whole body.

"Get behind me everyone!" Mickey shouted and ran to the front so everyone could move behind him. When all of them got behind him he stabbed his sword to the group and it began to glow, few seconds later a barrier was erupted shielding everyone on time.

Jo and the beast clashed with each other and their attacks generated a shockwave around them. They were now in a reversed form of tug of war each trying to push the other back.

Jo looked at the Beast one more time and saw there was no hint of backing out it its large eyes. He gritted his teeth before shouting, "Burn you big eyed bastard!". His flames grew more fierce giving him more power and he started to push the beast back. The beasts faltered for a second, not having confidence in it newly found strength. This gave Jo the opportunity to push the beast back before attacking with the finish blow.

Burn: Flame spark. The flames spread from the tip of his katana burning the entire beast up entirely.

With the battle over Jo fell to the ground and passed out, a trait that seems to run in the family.

Jane saw what happened and she couldn't believe her eyes, she had heard of the blessings passed through the Kindel family, and this was the first time she was seeing it action. She had heard of the children of Zeal Kindel, and their names were spread far and wide, Bale the god sword, lightless knight, Vivian the Red queen, winter witch and Myron the high Lord, iron Fist.

Now they were witnessing a new member of the Kindel's new generation. She felt even though he was still young, Jo was no push over. He was definitely fit to be a captain, if not more.

Captain Amelia ran towards Jo who was laying on the floor. She dragged a girl with her who started to check on Jo immediately. After a while the girl spoke. "He's fine, he Just asleep."

"I'll treat his wounds, don't worry." Her words made everyone breath a sigh of relief.

"You think the captain will die after that small fight?" Mickey asked.

"I'm just worried about him, if it were you, that would be another matter". Amelia replied and they started bickering again.

Jane just ignored them and at the distance he saw Zachary running towards them.

"Nice for you to show up, did you see anything?" Jane asked.

Zachary tried to open his mouth but he closed it back. He was shaking profusely and he just couldn't get words to come out of his mouth.

"Calm down officer" Jane said. "Look around, all our lives may or may not depend on what you say, whatever the case may be you need to clear your head and speak out" Jane said

"M-magical monster" Zachary said pointing at the direction he was coming from.