Child of man, child of beast

The next day came and they continued their Journey with a new member Hovering above them. Alot of them felt uncomfortable traveling with a beast, and the fact that the said beast had attacked them the previous day didn't help either, but they all trusted Jo.

Once in a while some of them would look at Le'llda and he would return their stares with a smile, or at least what looked at one since seeing his fangs gave them more chills than comfort. The group continue to Journey and after a while Jane went to Jo.

"Captain don't you think it's strange we've not encountered any beast since we started moving?" She asked.

"You're right". Jo said

"It's probably because of him" Amelia said from behind.

"Even now I can feel numerous beasts around us but they are not attacking." Amelia said.

"It's either they won't attack because he's their king or they are scared" Jo said.

"I think it's because they are scared" Amelia replied

"Why do you say that?" Mickey asked

"Because I'm scared of him too" she replied.

Jo looked at Amelia and noticed she had her guard up than usual.

"Sigh, I guess it can't be helped" he thought.

After traveling for over half a day, taking breaks in between, they finally got to their destination. They looked infront of them an saw that the entrance was now covered in rubble.

It's no surprise, Jane said.

"With the battle between Captain Leah, the wyvern and other surrounding battles, it would be strange if it was still the same as it was."

"So you mean there was once a structure under here" Le'llda asked as he stared at the rubble.

"Yes Jane replied, I saw it myself".

"Well then..." Le'llda stepped forward and cut himself. Drops of his blood fell on the floor and his aura spiked a bit. Few seconds later something began to form from his blood. The new creatures looked like small caterpillars. They made small noises and Le'llda caressed the head of one of them before making some clicking sound with his mouth. After that the beast burrowed into the ground and disappeared. They all stared in amusement at what just happened.

"I wonder how many beasts he can make from his blood". Jo wondered.

"So what do we so now" Mickey asked

"While we wait for whatever those are, we'll check the surroundings if there's anything. Report back if you find anything. And no one should wander too far." Jo said and Mickey went on to carry his orders.

Jo went closer to Le'llda since he had some questions for the beast.

"Are you able to sense the beasts you create from your blood" Jo asked.

"Sometimes, Le'llda replied. But most times children tend to be stubborn and they don't want their parent watching their every move".

"Children?" Jo asked.

"Yes, they are my children and I'm their parent." Le'llda said.

"Jo could not really understand what he beast was saying. How can he be a parent and order his children to their deaths".

"I know what you're thinking Le'llda said. You human have a form of parenting that involves protecting your offsprings. But for me it involves norturing them until they can choose where they want to die." "For you it's the place of life, for us it's all about the place we die" Le'llda said.

"I don't know what you're talking about since I'm not yet a parent, but I know this, even if it means destroying the world I will always protect my child." Jo said

"I know you will human Captain, Humans always do a lot of crazy things to protect their offsprings, some beasts do too, but let me ask you this, if you are ready to protect your own from the world, then the same also applies to others, but what if burning the world is not what protect their own child, unlike yours. It's all about who can protect what and even if you succeed in burning the world over someone that wanted to save it to protect their offspring. Then what, will you raise your child in the ash, will the child be happy in the place you razed to the ground just to protect her. The only thing we can do for our children is compromise and hope. We compromise on not razing the world and run away from it in hope that the child will be happy". Le'llda said

"What are the chances that the child will be happy in a world that has not been razed to the ground" Jo asked.

"Same chance of being happy in a world of ash". Le'llda replied. Again, that's why we hope, that our choices no matter how tough or rough, brings them happiness. Even when there is no guarantee". Le'llda concluded.

"Do you think your father would raze the world to shield, you from harm?" Le'llda asked Jo.

Jo thought for a while, thinking of how his father had treated his children like weapons, he got out a bit Ok, Tuk and Tanith were still quite strong but Gor and Kor were not so Lucky. One was dead and the other became Cursed and traumatized for life. To him, Bale was anything but a father.

"No, I don't think he ever will", Jo said after pondering a while.

"Then you're already a better father than he ever will be" Le'llda said.

Jo looked at the Ont and was surprised he was even more human inside than some people he has met.

"I wonder what made him like that" he thought.

He was about to ask The Ont a question when he heard some sounds coming from the ground and the small beast came out of the ground.

The beasts came out and started chorusing strange sounds like little children trying to make their case at once.

"Shhhh" Le'llda hushed and he caressed the head of each of them making the calm.

He made a click sound and this time only one of them made a sound.

Few seconds later the beast stopped talking, as if it had finished narrating a story.

"It seems there's an underground tunnel in this place. It took them a while but they were finally able to find it. He'll lead us there Le'llda said. Call your men."

Jo did as told and in few minutes they all gathered.

Le'llda who jad been speaking to his children all the while stood up after everyone had gathered, he took five out of the six little caterpillars and in a single swing he killed them all. He approached the last one and poured more of his aura into it allowing it to grow from just a regular beast to a Wild beast in a matter of seconds. Everyone watched and at this point they already knew the Ont would not cease to surprise them.

"Why did you kill them" Jo asked.

"Because they won't survive out there, in the world...." Le'llda said and turned to the beast which had now grown bigger. He made some click sound and it began to drill on the ground, faster than they even thought.

"He'll lead us let's go" Le'llda said and followed the beast.