
In the four great Nations, there are people who always signify a symbol of strength, hope and sometimes fear in their ranks. These special symbols are usually people who are either feared, respected or both. The essence of this symbols vary from putting both their allies and enemies in check to gathering information, or even carrying out secret missions.

For Omi it was the council of generals consisting of five Military generals of the kingdom. Each protect the kingdom in various ways and their names are always known far and wide, like Bale Kindel, the god sword and Harvey Laxe, the Apex.

In the kingdom of Wize we have The King's Legion, it consists of three different armies that answer to the King. Each has a different goal that help to tackle various things and carry out the kings interests both home and abroad. One was Ghayz led by Jai and another were the Dire which was led by Farouk. The third faction was The Sum and their leader was only known by King Ken and he took it to the grave with him.

In Inaria, land of the feared dragonborn there were the red Knights, they were only seven in number and each of them all had great strength. The red Knights were known as the nightmares of the battle field, the battles were they fought were always marked with deaths in the thousands and their leader was none other than the god sword Red Ed.

In Eru, they had the five pillars of the Kingdom. They were the five people that had great skill in different areas like Handling a large army, Being a one man army Soldier, exploring the craftsmanship and military warfare that would take them to the next level, high level assassination that would never be traced to the kingdom, and information gathering. Each of the pillars were the best in each of the five fields, The handler, the soldier, the spy, the assassin and the craftmaster. Currently the position was held by Hazel (Soldier), Dante Wilde (Handler), Mystos (Spy), Melisse (assassin) and Dylan (Craftmaster).

Back to the underground facility that was being supervised by one of the five pillars of the Eru, Dylan. Choas had ensued and Jane and four of her men were currently fighting some men in red amour. Le'llda had flown towards the Four tailed fox in the cage, the Ont seemed to prioritize saving the fox over everyone thing. Le'llda got close to the cage and was attacked by the two wyverns guarding the fox. Although both beasts were only ferocious beasts, they had undergone some kind of mutation making them stronger than usual. One of the wyverns attacked Le'llda and the Ont was forced to dodge since he didn't expect it to be that fast. Both beast kept on trying to swat down the flying Ont but he kept on dodging, he wanted to use this to his advantage but the wyvern kept him away from the fox was trying to save.

Dylan, one of the pillars of Eru, had ordered everyone to stop what ever they were doing, "keep them busy" he told the guards and ordered the people in lab coats to start leaving. He looked at the girl be side him, he wanted her to join the battle but he decided against it, a decision he would later change. He started walking away and spoke to the girl "let's go Sin, it time to leave this place" he said.

As he was walking away, he felt an increase in temperature followed by the arrival of a strong presence, he stopped and looked down where the fighting was going on that was when he saw a new person holding a Flaming Katana and was attacking the wyvern giving the Ont the opportunity he needed to cut the Four tailed fox loose. Immediately he saw the Ont was about to reach the fox he grabbed the young girl beside him and disappeared from the spot he was standing. He appeared Just in time to stop the Ont with a kick so strong it sent Ont flying back with insane Force.

"What was that?" Le'llda thought as he felt his hands becoming heavy from blocking the attack, "first it's those damned wyverns and now it's a new pest". He thought.

After a while, Le'llda finally laid eyes on his attacker, a tall man wearing a suit was in his view and he kept on looking at the human trying to measure his strength. "He must be quite capable given he was able to send me flying" the Ont thought and flew toward Dylan and landed in front of him.

"Get out my way human" Le'llda said

"Make me" Dylan replied with a smirk.

"Gladly" Le'llda said and he cut himself with his fang, his aura rose and from his blood came three new beast, one was like the one Jo's group fought when Le'llda attack, another was a giant dragonfly, the last was a large beetle..

Dylan looked at the Ont and his eyes could almost not believe what he was seeing, a Magical beast had just created three ferocious beasts in few seconds. Although they were low level ferocious beast, still, it was a great feat.

"I won't Kill you, you'll make a great lab subject" Dylan said as he licked his lips. Dylan looked at his side and he saw Jo was struggling with the two wendigo making him release more flames..

"Sini go and help them before he decides to burn everything to the ground" Dylan instructed and immediately she walked to where Jo was fighting.

"Now let's see how well your Puppets fight Ont" Dylan said

Le'llda, who had, had enough of the ridicule made a click sound and the one eyed beast alongside the dragonfly attacked side by side...