
I a dark Corner, Mickey who was injured from the explosion was sitting trying to hide from prying eyes. Since he was injured, he was trying to stay away from the sights of the enemies since he was too injured to fight. At first he thought the enemies would have been alerted to his presence and come to investigate the explosion he had caused but, after waiting for a while he decided to snoop around. He stood up using his sword as a cushion to walk properly. Mickey had always been one to not sit back and relax for too long while the others were fighting. Above all else, he hated not being part of the action. Although he knew he was in no position to fight, he still wanted to do something. Mickey looked around him studying his surrounding before he moved from his hiding spot. He saw that he was in an office like room with alot of books placed on shelf's.

"Who would place an office close to a death trap" Mickey thought and proceeded to take a book placed on a table. "Interspersion" Mickey read out and he proceeded to look around more seeing different books that spoke about combining beasts of different species and other forms of experimentations.

"It seems she was right about the beasts they encountered being mutated" Mickey thought.

"I wonder who is doing this and Why?"

As Mickey was busy checking through different books, He heard some heavy foot steps moving in his direction, he looked at the direction he heard the foot steps and knew he wasn't going to be dealing with a human, It was definately a beast. Mickey decided to hide himself and immediately he did, he spotted a ferocious beast in the office. Beasts were divided into five categories, the first were the normals. They were normals, animals without any abilities like bears and lions. Then we have the Wild beasts, they are beasts that had further evolved into stronger forms. Giving the better strength and slight intelligence. Then we have the Ferocious beasts, like the Ekun Gor and Kor fought in the Jut forest. They were beasts very powerful and some were even capable of human speech. A lot of beasts in The ferocious level are capable of fighting and killing most humans, but people with blessings and some stronger humans were capable of dispatching such beasts if need be. The fourth Categories were Magical beasts. These were beasts capable of drawing out their full potential and have evolved into both absorbing nature energy and manipulation of nature energy. There were stronger than anyone could even imagine and it took a really special human to survive an encounter with one. Then there were the Primordials, these were beasts no one wanted to encounter, they had become one with nature itself controlling it at will. There were only four primordials and only two were mostly seen. One was the father of the dragonborn, Z' erxta the great dragon. He slept deep on the planets volcanic core and no one dare to approach it. The second was the sea Kraken ruler of the deep F'hurx it's home was deep in the black still Sea. It's presence deep in the sea was enough to calm the northern parts of the sea causing it to be permanent still and no one dared to go near the obvious death trap. The Primordials were the most feared amongst most living creatures. The chances of encountering one was slim since they were territorial beasts, still the stories of the end of those who encountered them was too horrible to underestimate this terrors.

Mickey stared at the new visitor who had just stepped into the room and saw that it was a Brye, a bear like ferocious beasts. It stood on its hind legs standing 6'5 tall. It's claws were long and its fang was sticking out it's mouth. Immediately Mickey saw the brown furred creature, he knew he was in trouble. One of the major fears about the Brye was that they had a troublesome ability to smell blood and Mickey had blood on him. It wasn't long after the new customer entered the room, it sniffed the air for a while and after that it looked towards Mickey's direction. The beast walked towards Mickey and spoke with a deep and terrifying voice "human..".

In another part of the hideout, Le'llda had noticed Jo's aura had died down a minute after a massive Spike.

"It seems he won, that human is full of Suprises" he thought.

"I guess I should finish up with him too Le'llda thought"

Dylan, one of the four pillars of Eru looked at the Ont in front of him.

He had never met an Ont before but he knew all about their abilities to create weaker species from their blood and even stronger ones when they use their cocoon coffins. He had always wanted to open up at atleast one of the creatures for experimental purposes. Dylan smile for a while before speaking.

"You must be thinking you'll win this fight Just like your friend did to those two lizard"

"You must think you are the main characters of a dumb stories" Dylan said.

"I don't believe in stories, they are a bit unreal for my liking." Le'llda replied.

"But I do believe in tearing my opponents to pieces, especially your kind, humans make wonderful nourishment for my children in their cocoon" Le'llda replied

"Oh, I can't wait to cut you open Ont, you'll make for a great specimen in my research" Dylan said.

Le'llda responded by making a clicking sound and one of the three beasts he had summoned earlier started moving towards Dylan.