Fears and trauma


Ever since they had arrived at Litinhn, the Capital of Omi kingdom, Thia and Thena both tried their possible bests to blend in with the other kids and not act suspicious. Before they left for the Capital, Naima had told them that further instructions will be given to them when they arrived at Litinhn. She told them to wait quitely in the Capital and that after a while they would be given instructions. Before that, they were not to do anything that would draw attention to them. They were to blend right in with the children and play nice. Unfortunately nice was not their middle name, at least not Thia's. Starting from the day they arrived at the orphanage, she was uncomfortable. First she thought it was a coincidence when she first arrived at happy land after surviving the slaughter at the crazy Lords house, after that it was happyLand, training children to be soldiers, and now she finds herself in another similar setting again for the third time in a row. She wasn't fond of the first two times and now she didn't feel it was going to be any different. Luckily, Thena shared in her uneasiness.

Thena never felt like she fit in anywhere, she had always had this thing in her mind that she was better off all alone, even though Ryker their instructor felt otherwise, She knew didn't care. She felt all the other people around her would just restrict her. Looking around, and seeing kids like her should soften any child, but those two were not just any child. Not with what they had both gone through, even in their short life.

"You are also feeling uncomfortable right?" Thena asked after the first day of their arrival and Thia nodded.

Although the workers in the orphanage tried to be nice, Thia's trauma only allowed her to see the scary face of people feeding a hen to fatten it for slaughter.

"I hope we are given our orders soon, this place also gives me the creeps" Thena said.

"At least we've got each other" Thia said

"No short stuff, you're on your own. I already have my own baggage I'm not interested in yours". Thia said and started walking away.

"Isn't that a reason to stay together and help each other?" Thia said. Thena didn't respond and left anyway.

"Fine you can leave, you're not going to be helpful anyways, I'll deal with my baggage myself" Thia said

Thia looked around and seeing child all over her was beginning to creep her out, she immediately left the yard and before she knew she had effortlessly snuck out of the Orphanage. Not that it had any great security measures anyways. Thia snuck out and began to wander around the Capital. She looked around and she could not believe her eyes. The Capital of Omi was nothing short of beautiful. The streets were very neat and well organized. The people around the areas were looking well dressed and if riches jad a scent the Thia was currently perceiving it. She had never seen anything like it before. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize when she hit a man while being distracted.

"Who are you and what is a brat like you doing here" the man said

"I'm sorry" Thia immediately apologized.

"Sorry? I didn't ask if you were sorry. I'm asking what is a kid doing in trying to enter an entertainment establishment".

Thia looked at the building behind the man she bumped into and saw that it was indeed an 'entertainment' establishment.

I" wasn't trying to enter," Thia said.

"Then what were you trying to do?" The man asked.

Thia was unable to respond and after a while the man spoke.

"It seems you don't know what you're doing, wait until I had you over to the police, they'll know exactly what to do with you" he said.

"Wait!" Thia was about to plead when a voice spoke from behind them.

"There would be no need for that Jang. She's with me" the voice said.

"Lady Ija." Jang said with a submissive tone

Thia looked at the person that spoke and she almost tried to run away.

As if sensing her fears Ija spoke. "That's not a good Idea kid" and Thia stopped in her tracks.

"I'll take care of her Jang" Ija said and Jang left without question.

"It seems you also remember me" Ija said with a smile.

"What are you doing here?" Ija asked after Jang left.

"Did you sneak out?" she asked again.

Thia could only smile in Mischief.

Ija looked at the girl for a while before speaking again.

"Do you want something cold to drink. It quite hot out. We can talk at my place".

Thia could only nod even though she didn't want to.

Few minutes later they got to Ija's place. It was a small place away from prying eyes although still close to the Orphanage, it was still secluded given it was on a small hill.

Ija took Thia inside her house and gave her a place to sit.

"Wow, you home is quite comfortable" Thia said.

"Do you live alone". She asked.

"Yes" Ija replied.

"Oh" Thia said. Ija knew what she was hinting at and asked

"Is it strange for a lady like me to be single?" Ija asked.

"Yes it is". Thia replied.

"Do you think you'll be married when you get to my age?' Ija asked as she handed Thia a beverage

Thia took the beverage and she shook her head, she knew she'll probably be dead before she gets to Ija's age, but she didn't say it out.

"You are a royal guard, I'm sure there are alot of men out there for women of your status". Thia said.

"Yes, there are men like that, but most of them are dumb foolish" Ija said.

"They feel intimidated easily and look like they will break anytime I stare at them."

"They probably would Thia replied. You look very scary".

"I'm a royal guard looking scary is part of the job. Enough about me let's talk about you. Why did you run away?"

"I don't really know, maybe it's the new environment" Thia said

"Or Maybe it's because you felt choked" Ija said making Thia shocked.

"I don't know why, but I get a feeling of fear coming from you. Your eyes are always drifting around your surrounding's, you look jumpy and you look like you're scared of something". Ija said.

"She could not be closer to the truth," Thia thought. Being in the orphanage brought back her past trauma and she didn't like being reminded of that event. She didn't even know how she survived. Ever since that day, she knew she had changed drastically due to her being more drawn towards death, but she didn't want to accept it yet. The event with Gor only made things worse.

"I wish I had not met that boy'. She felt meeting Gor pushed a button in her she was not ready to push.

"I know how you feel" Ija finally said.

"I too I'm afraid of something, or rather someone. Even after years have gone by, the memories of that man is still fresh in my head, and meeting him few days back didn't help things either. I never knew I was still so scared of him after all this years". Ija said.

"You see, it happens to us all kid, fear. It's a horrible customer, and it messes up the mind. It's not something I want to control my life. It's something I must overcome no matter what. Infact I know I will." Ija said with determination.

"Now, I might not know what it is that makes you scared, but I want you to promise me that your won't let your fears defeat you."

Thia looked at Ija and she was glad she ran away. "I promise I won't let my fears defeat me" she replied.

"Now finish your beverage once you're done I'll take you back". Ija said.