Spies by Night

Thia and Thena open the hatch on the roof of the 'spicy night' establishment and saw a ladder that lead down. Both girls began climbing down, at first they thought the would me climbing down for just a while before they finally reached their destination, but after climbing for a more than half an hour, they began to feel they would be climbing further down than they expected. Both girls kept on climbing down for like an hour until they finally got to the end of the ladder. After climbing down they both realised they were deep dark underground. They saw a small light in the dark glowing and followed in the direction of the light, both of them now more cautious.

"Uhm Thia, are you weird senses thinking?" Thena asked as they both walked in the dark.

"No it's not, and they are not that weird" Thia replied.

"We both know that's a lie" Thena responded

They kept on approaching the light in the distant and Thena was not that worried given that Thia's Sense was enough to warn them of any danger ahead. When they got to the light they were observing it and before they knew what was going on something or someone knocked both girls out.


Some minutes later Thena opened her eyes and saw that she was sitting in a small room with little red light right above her head. At first she thought she was bound and tried to shake her bound off only to fall down from where she was sitting since she was not bound. Her fall drew the attention of the people gathered at a table not far from where she was sitted.

"What are you doing?" she heard a voice call.

She looked at the person talking and she saw it was someone she was familiar with.

"Hansi?" Thena called

"You're finally awake. Sorry for they way you were knocked out. These guys are all about secrecy" Hansi said Pointing at the strange men beside him

"Where's Thia?" Thena asked.

"She's with Miriam and Cage getting-" as He was speaking Thia came in with Cage and Miriam.

"When did you wake up and why didn't you wake me too?" Thena asked immediately she saw Thia.

"Why should I, you look like you were enjoying the sleeping. And I just woke up a while ago too". Thia replied

Someone made a sound as if trying to protest what Thia had just said but she sent a glare at the man and he kept his mouth shut. The truth was Thia had woken up a minute after she had been knocked out. Two men were carrying both girls and she had woken up just as they were been taken to their current location. Thia of course shook herself off the man carrying her and nearly beat the hell out of both men before they were finally able to say the codename for her particular Team 'deaths door'. The name was given to them by Hazel after he had fought their team. Cage and Thena felt it was cool. Thia didn't feel comfortable being affiliated with death even though she already was. Hansi and Miriam thought it was a bit over the top.

On the other hand, Thia didn't want Thena to know she woke up way earlier before she did because Thena was a very competitive person and she wasn't interested in her shenanigans.

Thena walked up to Hansi and saw there were Three other men in the room with them. "Who are they?" she asked.

"I'm Rex one of the men spoke. Your team will be working with ours in this mission,you kids are to listen to us and follow our orders."

"Why should I take orders from you, you're not my leader" Thena said.

"It's just how it's going to be young lady, my team have been in this country since you kids were in daipers, we know exactly what to do, how to do it and what not to do. If you kids want to survive then you have to listen to everything we say." Rex said

The room fell silent for a while before Thia finally spoke.

"If you guys are going to treat us like garbage we might as well find a way to survive on our own. I don't like the way you are treating us like a bunch of know nothings" Thia complained.

*Even the map you sent was drawn in such disrespectful manner, it was like you were calling us fools."

"It was drawn for kids just like you guys to understand. You might have been given a recommendation by Lord Hazel, but until you prove yourself to be more than just kids, I'll treat you like the kids you are" Rex said.

"Well said, and until you prove yourself to be more than just a jerk, I'll treat you like a jerk" Thia replied getting into Rex's face climbing a chair to level with his towering physique.

Hansi wanted to laugh but he just couldn't bring himself to, knowing how Thia got with her height. Sometimes ago, when he insinuated concerning how short she was it didn't end well. The only person that had gotten away with insulting her height was Thena, and that was because Thena was the only monster that was able to keep up with Thia.

"Stand down Thia, there's no point in arguing with them. We'll play along for now. At least until they stop proving themselves capable" Hansi said.

Thia got down and sat down on the chair she stood on. The members of Rex group could still not believe this little girl was the soldier in their group. She looked so small and harmless, but they knew she was anything but.

Rex sighed and decided to go back to what they were doing before Thena woke up.

"So where was I," Rex said.

"Our mission is simple, we are to Kidnap the Princess of Omi, Lena Litinhn." Rex said