Body and Spirit 2

After the Queen's demonstration, Thia was left dumbfounded. They were taught many things at happyLand but they were never taught anything like this. This was getting into new territory for her. Seeing her surprised face the Queen spoke.

"You don't have to worry much about anything. Your spirit is strong and wild but I've regulated it for now. As long as you don't go through and for of physical or mental stress you should be fine." Queen Vivian said.

Thia looked at her body as if she would see what the Queen was talking about, but after a while she calmed down a bit.

"Can I ask you a Question your Majesty.?" Thia said.

"Go on" Queen Vivian said.

"Can I spar with you?"

"It's been a while since I had a spar" Thia said.

"Are you sure? Your spirit might awaken" again.

Thia nodded her head.

"I'll just have to control it if it does"

Everyone around looked at Thia in shock. No one has ever dared ask the Ice Queen for a duel before. Even Bale avoided fighting his sister because he knew how fearsome an opponent she can be. And amongst a million cowards lies a brave child.

The Queen smiled at Thia and agreed to the duel.

The two opponent took the center stage while everyone stood aside to watch, including the king.

"Don't you have Court matters to attend to?" Princess Lena asked her father.

"Why do you ask, tired of your old man so soon?" King Stefan asked and Lena childishly stick out her tongue.

"Well, I have a lot of issues to deal with, but they can wait." King Stefan replied

Everyone was waiting to see what the little girl had to offer, maybe she'll surprise them a little.

Queen Vivian and Thia both stood in the middle of the fighting ring. Thia took the Stance Zinesh had thought her when she was little. Since he was a spear man, his fighting form always complimented the use of the weapon. Right elbow up, Left hand down, and a slight squat.

Even though she wasn't holding a spear Thia still stick to the form.

Everyone seeing this open Their eyes in shock, it has been a while since this particular form had been used. It was a form developed by one of the great Heroes of the War twenty years ago. Seeing it now, those that witnessed the war were feeling nostalgic.

"The form of the Dancing Spear" Queen Vivian muttered seeing Thia's form and she smiled.

"Come child". Vivian said.

Thena took a step forward and just like she had done in happyLand, she disappeared from her spot. Although, this time it was intentional.

Bang!! A loud noise was heard from Queen Vivian's position and Thia's kick connected with her hand.

Even though Thia had surprised her, she still blocked her attack like it was nothing.

"You're strong, but if you think there's a blink fast enough to catch me off guard, then you're mistaking." Queen Vivian said.

Seeing Thia was in the air she held her legs and threw her to the side.

After rolling for a while Thia finally stood and balanced herself.

"You're not just an ordinary girl. I knew from the very first time I saw you. But, if that's all you've got, then I'll be disappointed" Queen Vivian said and signaled for Thia to come.

Thia ran towards at Queen moving very fast. She tried to get an attack in but the Queen kept on dodging. It was as if she was fighting Hazel again.

" Why can't I hit her" Thia thought in frustration.

"You need to read your opponents. You're focused too much on your attack. You need to also read your opponents and follow up with the right response. It not enough to have a strong attack." Queen Vivian lectured as she toyed with Thia.

Thia took her words to heart and began to read the Queen as much as she could. She noticed her left side had stronger defense whenever she attacked than her right. Seeing this, Thia tried to focus on the Queen's right side than her left and her deduction was correct. She decided to take advantage and go for a massive attack. As she went in she was shocked as the Queen easily dodged.

"You fell for it. Just like those two" Queen Vivian commented as she blinked behind Thia picking the girl off the ground.

"You are strong child, Very strong. That's stance of yours did your Uncle also teach you?" Queen Vivian asked after she dropped Thia.

"Yes." Thia replied.

"That's a great form. Do you also use a Spear?" Queen Vivian asked again.

"Yes" Thia replied

"Good. Come back tomorrow and I'll show you how to fully use that form of yours, if you like" Queen Vivian said with a smile.

Ija heard what the Queen said and tried to signal to Thia to refuse, since training with the Ice Queen was a bit very intense but she was too late and Thia agreed.

"Well Then, it's settled. Come back tomorrow afternoon. I'll be waiting for you." The Queen said and left followed by the King.


In the King's Private Chamber.

Queen Vivian walked out of the Dress room in one of her royal attire after she had freshen up. The King was already in the room waiting for her which surprised her.

"I thought you were dealing with some issues concerning King Jai's action". Queen Vivian asked

"Well, normally I would, but guess who just caused a jail break in Wize". King Stefan said

"Don't tell me..." Queen Vivian said almost in shock. Almost.

"Yes, Bale broke The Old dog out of jail."

King Stefan said.

"Normally that would give me alot of work to do. But, we've decided to call it even for now."

"What are you going to do concerning his new found power? I know Jai has always been strong but summoning a curse at this kind of time makes his a treat too powerful to ignore." Queen Vivian said

"You're correct, but for now we'll continue to play ball. It's only a matter of time till he either self destructs or he's weakened. When that happens we'll strike." King Stefan replied.

"That being said, are you sure training that child is a wise choice".

"I know she peaked your interest but her origins are unknown."

"She might even be one of the child spies we've hear Eru uses."

"Does that matter?" Queen Vivian inquired.

"Not really" King Stefan replied.

"Then it's settled. That girl can be the devil for all I Care. I'd still love to see what the future holds for someone like her. Who knows, she might end up having her use in the future. Also, she reminds me of Kor. The fire in her eyes is just like his".

"Oh, your nephew, the one that always challenged you to a duel." King Stefan said.

"Yes, the kid had potential. Too bad he didn't live long to see the extent of his ability."

"What about his twin, the cursed one" King Stefan asked.

"I don't know, He's a strange one. He's neither strong, nor weak. But one thing is certain, he's still an unknown entity. If he's underestimated, it could prove fatal". The Queen replied.