Sour Taste

As Gor was laying down tired and sour, two people approached his position. Since no one could enter the Kindel's grounds without being spotted or stopped by the guards, so he wasn't really expecting hostile. But still, he thought the worst since it matched his current feeling. Few seconds passed and the two people finally came to view. In front of Gor were his two older brothers, Tuk and Tanith. Just like Gor and Kor, they were also twins. Gor looked at them and couldn't help but feel somehow. A part of him was definitely missing, there was no doubt about that.

"What are you doing Gor?", Tanith asked first. Although they both looked alike Tanith was shorter than his other, although by just a bit.

Gor never could tell them apart, they were never around in the castle. Their father always kept them separated.

"Training" Gor replied

"Hmmm, without Dad? Isn't that dangerous given your circumstances" Tuk asked genuinely concerned

"Well he's not here, and It was something he couldn't help me with anyways" Gor responded.

"Why are you two here?"

"Aren't you supposed to be on some mission?"

Gor question made Tuk sigh. Ever since they joined the military a year ago, they've spent most time away from the capital. It made their already strained relationship a bit more complicated.

"It ended early" Tuk replied

"We came back home and saw mom. We asked of you and she told us you were training alone, that's why we are here." Tuk said.

"Why are you still laying down?" Tuk asked as Gor was yet to stand up.

"Well I can't move. I've used too much energy and my body is not listening to me" Gor replied.

Tanith looked at his brother and could not help but clench his fist. The truth was, when they heard the new of Kor's death, they didn't know how to feel. They knew their brother had died, but they barely Knew Kor. Each of them were like strangers to each other.

"I wonder how Jo felt. He's the only one not born a twin. If I didn't have Tuk I'm sure..." Tanith thought but he dropped the thought immediately. It was too painful to imagine life without his twin

"We're sorry Gor." He said

"Why?" Gor asked.

"We planned to help you, we did, but he found out and sent us on a mission. Even Jo was unable to do anything". Tanith said Know he was just giving excuses

"We didn't really think he'll go that far. If we did we would have tried harder to save both of you." Tanith said.

Gor looked at his brother and he was speechless.

Although he didn't really have a close relationship with any of his brothers apart from Kor, Bale made sure of that. He didn't really blame them for what happened. If there was anyone to blame them it was only Bale and no one else.

"There's no need to apologise" Gor said.

He was finally able to move and he stood up although it was hard on his body, Gor still powered through.

"I only need one thing from you two". Gor said.

"What is that?" Tuk asked.

"I ask that you don't get in my way when I want to kill him". Gor declared

Tuk looked at him for a while and could not help but smile.

"You really think you can do it uhn? Kill your father.?" He asked.

"Yes" Gor replied.

"You do know who he is and what he's capable of. Knowing all that do you think a small child like you can be his undoing. Just because you have a curse." Tuk said with a hint of mockery

"I'm certain of it. I'll kill him. It doesn't matter how long or what it takes. I'll do it." Gor said with a strong resolve.

"You shouldn't think like that. I know he doesn't care about us, but if you take him lightly then you will find yourself failing. He's always scheming and planning something. He's not just good with the sword, he's also great at playing mind games. If you think a snotty brat like you will be his undoing, then you must be dreaming". Tuk said

"Then what should I do? Cover in fear like you did. Work together with him for the great of this nation like nothing happened. Call him 'father' like I mean it, be his great and humble son, while everytime I close my eyes, I see Kor's dead eyes staring at me." Gor said in outrage.

"Yes, that's what you should do. Guarantee yourself a future first. He has taken Kor away from you. Will you give him your life as well." Tuk said.

"I have no life, I'm Cursed remember? There's only one path left for me to take. And that's the path of revenge. It's either that or death" Gor said.

"I understand your pain..." Tanith said

"No you don't, but maybe if I drive a sword through Tuk maybe then you will" Gor said and Tuk and Tanith moved back for a second as Gor's curse leaked out for a bit.

The three of them fell silent for a while. They were brothers, but they were never close. They were meant to be each other's support, but their father succeeded in controlling and manipulating their lives up to this moment. Even now. Gor felt like he was talking to two strangers and not his brothers. He felt they had no say in how he lived his life. He felt they didn't know him or Kor enough to really know how it felt to lose the only brother you knew. It was something even a sour taste could not fully describe. Gor felt he was handed only one choice after Kor's death and that was the one he was currently on. Even if it meant playing ball with his father, he would do it. As long as it helps drive a stake in Bale's heart one day, He was ready to do it.

After saying his peace Gor left his brothers behind and went on his way.

Tanith tried to follow him but Tuk stopped.

"You know he's also going to destroy himself right?" Tanith asked.

"Maybe. But for now there's nothing we can do." Tuk said

"But he's just a child Tanith replied with a" shaky voice.

"Not anymore, our father made sure of that.

Maybe he's right, maybe if we took him out..."

"Don't think like that, were not nearly strong enough to face him."

"Even Jo tried once and failed miserably.

Father has successfully made the weapon he was always after, a mad and dangerous one for that matter." Tanith said

"I just hope he doesn't end up like Kor, or worse" Tuk said.