
Gor looked around him and saw there were four people apart from Ija and one of them was Vince, a the Captain of the royal guard or former Captain. His rank and those of his men had plummeted after their brief encounter with Gor. They were all elite soldiers tasked with guarding the King and when the Queen heard what happened when they faced a Nine year old boy, she punished them and even demoted the entire squad. To be fair to them, no one expected a nine year old boy to be walking around with a very powerful curse. They had greatly underestimated Gor, with led to their disaster. Gor looked at each face and the more he looked around, the more he didn't like the looks on their faces and feel like he was being ambushed with zero chance of escape

"What's with the audience?" Gor asked.

"Oh them? They are just here to watch. If your Curse is really as dangerous as I heard I'll probably need it" Ija said with a fake smile

"I'm not really buying that" Gor replied.

"Are you using me for some kind of show or something?" Gor asked.

"Does it matter?" Ija asked.

Gor looked around again and sighed. It didn't matter to him who came or whatever Ija had in her skull. What mattered were two things. His reward and the guarantee he would leave here in one piece.

"You'll keep your promises, I last more than a minute, I get the aktel and the amour you promised." Gor Stated

"Calm down boy, I always keep my promises." Ija said with a smirk.

She walked up to Vince and nodded her head. The former Captain only sighed in response and ordered his men to stand back and give Ija and Gor some space.

"Careful Fierce, he's even worse than Jo. He'll definately surprise you" he advised.

"Oh..., didn't know you were cheering for me" Ija Said

"As much as I'd love to see your face in the mud, I don't want you to get yourself hurt or worse" Vince said.

"We don't know the full extent of his abilities."

"I guess that's why you are here Incase anything goes wrong. So just stand back and don't worry about me". Ija said

In the next minute, Ija stood in the middle with Gor surrounded by Six people. Each had given a reasonable amount of distance between them and the two people in the middle.

Gor looked at Ija not taking his eyes off the royal guard for a second.

"Every time I see her it feels as if I'm staring at an immovable mountain. I get that she's a veteran with countless battles under her belt, but isn't my damn curse meant to close that gap somehow". Gor thought.

For someone who was used to training with someone he had no hope of beating, he still didn't like the feeling of hopelessness when facing people like this.

It wasn't a battle to the death, or for even triumph. It was a battle of defeat. Or how long it would take to face defeat.

The frustration of defeat was already getting to Gor. And the fight had not even started yet.

"Are you just going to stand there, or will you summon that curse of yours?" Ija asked after some seconds passed.

Gor dropped his shoulders as if feeling down, "A feeling of defeat was not sweet in anyway But, what can I do about it. I can't just hope to defeat everyone just because I have summoned a curse. It will be dumb to think I can defeat battle veterans like this with ease. There too much between us in terms of experience, strength and even age. But if there's one thing I have now, it's time. Mom was right, afterall. Curse or no curse I'm still just a child. A strong one, but a child nonetheless. I might not be able to defeat her, but I'll definitely give her something to remember me by" Gor thought.

Immediately his aura began to rise and his hair began to grow longer. A dark Katana appeared in his hand and darkness began to ooze out of the ominous blade. Everything began to slow down and a dark stillness overruled the power of the wind. The temperature dropped tremendously causing everyone around feeling a chill like no other. The boy raised his head and everyone could feel a deathly gaze coming out of his dark eyes. He raised his sword and everyone apart from Vince and Ija immediately took a step back.

Ija looked at the thing in front of her and she was shocked beyond words.

"He's definitely the devil." She thought.

The royal guard didn't think too much of Gor's transformation and drew out her sword. The magnificent rapier had a white hilt with different inscriptions writing on it. After a while Ija's blade began to glow and a blue radiance immediately covered the surrounding. The blade was so beautiful that it's radiances negated some of the ominous stillness Gor's transformation caused.

"You're not the only one with a few tricks" Ija said and signaled for the boy to attack.

Gor gritted his teeth and without wasting time, he took a step forward and appeared beside Ija.


The two blades clashed for the first time causing the darkness and radiance to dance together as their masters clashed.

As the two fighters engaged in a tug of war. Gor knew he couldn't last since Ija was still stronger despite all his agumentation.

He disconnected from the clash and pushed back to gain some distance. Or he thought he would be a able to since Ija had other plans.

Immediately Gor pushed himself back Ija followed.

Gor noticed a blade coming towards his face and blocked it. He immediately tried to push back, but, as if the previous attack never happened, he felt the blade coming again and he was forced to block but this time at the cost of being blown away.

"She's not allowing me to think. At this point I'll not even last 30 seconds."

Gor started gathering his thoughts again but in the process, he lost sight of his opponent.

"Where are you looking at?" a voice resounded close to his left ear he looked back only to be met by Ija's blade attacking from the right.

This continued for the next few attacks and that was when Gor realized, he was being bullied.

Gor was already disoriented with the barrage of attacks coming from different directions without slowing down. It was as if Ija was purposely trying to push him over the edge and he couldn't deny that it was working. Gor thought of what to do as he was forced to react to another attack which he had barely noticed until it was late.

Gor was trying to compose himself but ,he began to feel his curse running out.

"How much time has passed?" he thought.

As if Ija sensed his thoughts as small voice whispered in his ears.

"It's been just fifteen seconds, are you giving up so soon?"

Gor widened his eyes in shock.

"Only fifteen seconds?"

It felt like he had been at it for almost five minutes. If not that his curse only lasted for few seconds, he would have doubted Ija's words greatly.

"I definitely can't last one minute with her" Gor thought in realization.

Feeling defeated Gor came up with a last grasp plan. One that might give his a chance, even though he had no chance.

Holding tight his blade, Gor waited for the attack to come one more time and this time instead of blocking he let the sword cut him down.

Ija saw the boy was not blocking and stopped her attack few inches before it hit Gor.

"There You are" Gor said

in a quick flash Gor's summoned a dark flame from his sword, hitting Ija with a powerful attack at close range. The attack almost blew some of the spectators away, but, the former royal guards stood their ground.

Vince looked at the point at which Ija got hit and could only sigh.

"I told you not to underestimate the child."

The flame was very intense and Gor was beginning to think he had gone a bit over board with the last attack, but few seconds later, everything cleared.

Gor blinked his eyes after a while and saw something holding his blade.

"What?" He thought in confusion.

"You are strong Kid. But you still have a long way to go" Ija said and suddenly Gor felt everything go dark.