
In the four kingdoms, the Society had its own system and structure that separated the people from each other. As it had always been from the beginning of time, humans, although equal in a sense, had a way of separating themselves into groups that decided the very fate of both the society and even humanity. This separation could be based on different things like achievement, wealth, strength, and sometimes even popularity.

In Wize, they had a system that is decided through bloodline, military rank, and wealth. The royal family were all members of the same bloodline. The rank of Sulten was also decided through bloodline, while everything below depended on wealth, influence, and military status. The higher the wealth, influence, or rank, the higher their status in society.

In Erush, below the monarchy were the houses or families. Everyone strives to have a family name. The greater the house, the more the power. Of the various houses and clans in Erush, there were only three great houses. One was the Wildes, another was the house of Crylls, which Hazel belonged to, and there was the House Genne.

In Omi, there were the common everyday folks, then there were the nobles. Prestigious members of a particular bloodline that had grown their power and prestige over the years by the accumulation of merits. The higher the amount of merits accumulated, the more the prestige and power, and the higher the noble rank that will be assigned. From Chancellor to Nobles (intellectuals) to Governor and finally Legacies. Each rank had been assigned to each noble class family based on the merits accumulated over the years. While there were many Chancellors and Nobles, there were only Seven Governors and four Legacy families in Omi: the Laxes, The Balors, The Marloks, and the Kindels.

After the high-ranking nobility came the Royal, right at the top of the pyramid.

In Noak, one of the great Legacy families ruled the city - just like the Kindels of Logas, the Balors of Revis, and The Marloks of Nebe. The Laxe family was mainly in the trade business, including human trading. They were the kind of family that had a lot of Nobles within their ranks, making them a very formidable Legacy family. They had, in fact, established the slave contract system and proposed it to the king to help abolish slavery and build a new structure that allowed people to still buy and sell slaves but in a different and a bit more humane way. It also gave the slaves a fighting chance. They were a family consisting of many intelligent and strategic people, allowing them to grow their strength over the years using pure intelligence and brilliance.

Harvey Laxe was a General in the military and also one of the leaders of the Laxe family. Although, one would say he fell too far from the tree given his brash nature and hardness, still, Harvey Laxe was a very brilliant and calculating man when he needed to be. He was just very proud.

In the halls that harbored these powerful Legacies, two members of the family were walking together, discussing the coming event the princess was hosting in the royal capital. One was a woman in her mid-fifties. She was wearing a purple dress, which was almost dragging on the floor. She adorned herself skillfully with various jewels, making her look like a fair godmother that descended among men. Her name was Whyte Laxe, The leader of the Laxe Family.

Standing beside her was another woman, but a younger one. She was akin to what one would call a true descendant of beauty, and it was obvious a lot of people had killed just to get her attention. Her loving blue eyes looked like endless stars adorning the night. Her hair matched the color of her eyes, making her more mesmerizing. If anyone saw her, they didn't need a fortune teller to tell she was definitely Gifted by the gods. Both literally and figuratively. Her name was Sana.

Both women walked majestically down the halls of the mansion, earning a brief halt and acknowledgment from everyone that passed beside them. Ignoring everything else going on around them, both women walked majestically down the hall and continued with their conversation.

"According to the information we heard, it seems the old dog had not wasted much time and had started to cause trouble for the usurper Jai," Sana said.

"It seems Lord Bale's action is causing us unnecessary trouble. How are we meant to deal with this problem?" Lady Whyte said.

"Did his actions really cause us much trouble? It's just one man. What can he really do? Also, if he's really that much trouble, breaking that man out of jail works well for us too. King Jai has been getting more powerful every day, and Lord Bale weakened Lord Jai, making it easier for us to attack quietly from behind," Sana said.

Lady Whyte suddenly let out a loud laugh. Sana stared at her in worry, wondering what she said that was funny.

"I'm sorry child, but sometimes you kids amuse me. Your arrogance and ignorance can be both amusing and appalling," Lady Whyte said, and Sana frowned even more.

"Firstly, you referred to the old dog as just one man. That one man once destroyed an entire platoon of men by himself once, and then twice, and then thrice, and after that, we stopped counting. The old fog is definitely worth every trouble. Also, King Jai being weakened works against us as well. We entered a treaty with him, which means we have to help when he calls. It's a condition that we cannot ignore if we want to keep being allies. And finally, you shouldn't underestimate King Jai; even a weak animal can be very dangerous. If he smells even a bit of betrayal, all hell will break loose. A man like that isn't someone you take lightly," Lady Whyte said.

"You know if the midwife didn't place you in my hands when I had you, I would have doubted I had anything to do with your birth. No child of mine is allowed to be naive," Lady Whyte said, and Sana frowned even more.

"Speaking of nativity and childishness,"

"Did we send someone to the Princess's little ball?" Whyte asked.

"Yes, mother," Sana replied.

"Oh, who did we send?" Whyte asked again.

"Cousin Harry," Sana replied.

"Really? Are all Harvey's sons trying to score points with the princess?" Lady Whyte asked with an irritated voice.

"Well, they don't have anything better to do, so they might as well pursue something," Sana replied.

"Well, I hope he knows the plan well?"

"Yes, mother, we already filled him in and told him how important it is that he succeeds," Sana said.

"Good, we want him to act in all earnestness," Lady Whyte said.

"I believe he was given everything he needed?" Lady Whyte asked again.

"Yes, my lady," Sana replied.

"Very good. I guess we'll be having a funeral soon. I wonder whose it will be," Lady Whyte remarked and came to a halt. She turned to Sana with a smile.

"Get me Kiffa; I'll need a better dress for the coming funeral."

"Right away, mother," Sana said and left