The Massacre 2

Minutes passed, and the party had begun to feel more alive as time went by; the more the number of guests, the higher the number of gossips flying around. Most were about the young Lord Taran Balor and Masha Marlok.

As the party went on, another VIP guest arrived, and the Master of Ceremonies once again announced, "Major Harry Laxe of Legacy House Laxe." A very young man walked inside the ballroom, drawing everyone's attention. Harry was not a very handsome man, but his fame was spread around the kingdom for being the most likely to become the Princess's groom. Although his younger brother had sworn himself as the Princess's guard, he was still the one everyone thought would be chosen to marry the princess. And it was just for one particular reason. Of all the members of the new generation, Harry was the most brightest, strongest, and even ruthless. He had all the qualities of a leader, and he was just twenty years old. He became the youngest Major in the army's history, earning him the respect and hate of most people.

Harry walked casually into the room, and everyone grew silent. A lot of hateful glares and stares flew around, but the boy was not moved one bit. In fact, most of those throwing hateful glares at him were more terrified of the boy than they would love to admit.

'Damned Legacies,' a man muttered under his breath.

Harry suddenly stopped and looked towards the direction of the man. A dark shiver ran down his spine as Harry's gaze pierced through his soul. The young man smiled again and continued walking. A lot of young girls were trying to get the attention of the young man, but he ignored them and went straight to Masha.

"Well if it isn't Poison herself," Harry said with a smile.

"Oh, little dagger, you came. I thought they would send someone else," Masha replied and hugged Harry.

"It's been a while, Poison. What have you been up to?" Harry asked.

"Well, I've been doing a lot of crazy stuff here and there, nothing interesting. But, I did get engaged, though."

"Really, who's the unfortunate man?" Harry asked, and Masha chuckled.

"Now where's he, Masha...?" tried searching the crowd and found Ira speaking with some comrades in the army that were also privileged to attend.

"Ira!" she called out, and the young man excused himself from the conversation he was having.

"Harry, meet my fiance Ira," Masha introduced.

Immediately, Ira heard Harry's name; he saluted.

"Captain Donis greets Major Laxe."

"At ease, soldier," Harry said.

A lot of people stared at the scenes with pity for Ira. Not only was he dating someone way above his league, but he also got to meet people more outstanding than him every time he was with Masha. That has to be a blow to his self-esteem. Good thing he's not letting it show.

Ira was nine years older than Harry, but Harry outranked him in every way.

"Make sure you treat Poison here right, okay? I know she can be a handful, but trust me, you've got yourself a gem right here," Harry said.

He and Masha had a great relationship, and he was genuinely happy she was getting over Taran. The three of them continued their conversation, and a few minutes later, the last Legacy family entered the stage.

"Primis Arietta Kindel and her sons First Lieutenant Tuk Kindel and Second Lieutenant Tanith Kindel," the Master of Ceremonies announced the names of the Kindel family members attending the event.

Tuk and Tanith had both taken the liberty to attend the party with their mom, both as guests and as more security as per the Queen's request.

Gor's mom was dressed in a blue evening gown while her two sons wore their military uniforms.

Everyone's attention was drawn towards the Kindel family, one of the major families in Omi. The Kindels were the most prominent family in Omi due to the Queen, Bale's achievements in the military, and Myron, the youngest of Zeal Kindel's children. Now the new generation was coming up, and a lot of them had already begun to make a name for themselves. Like Jo the new flame, Tuk and Tanith the twin shadows, and finally, Myron's daughter, Belle the juggernaut. None were yet aware of the whispers of Wrath, Gor Kindel.

Arietta walked between her two sons, each one holding each of her hands as they walked inside majestically. Everyone stood silent, watching quietly as the Kindels made their way into the ballroom.

As they continued in, a young man walked towards them, and Tuk and Tanith let go of their mother to salute their superior officer.

"First Lieutenant Kindel salutes Major Harry Laxe," Tuk saluted.

"Second Lieutenant Kindel salutes Major Harry Laxe," Tanith saluted.

"At ease, soldiers, what's with everyone today? Isn't this supposed to be a party?" Harry said.

"Primis Arietta," Harry greeted with a bow.

"Major Laxe, how have you been?" Arietta asked.

"If the army stops trying to kill me, I'll have been better, but I'm alright," Harry said.

"Well, what can I say? It's difficult not to try and kill our most precious soldiers. We can only hope they don't get themselves killed when they are in the battlefield," Arietta replied.

"Ah, Lady Arietta, you have five children, three are in the army, you lost one already, and the last... I had some crazy rumors about him," Harry said with a devious smile.

"You shouldn't believe those rumors, Major Harry."

"I don't actually, but if you really want to protect us, the kids shouldn't our missions be less dangerous? Like the one that killed your son, or like the one these two go almost every time, or like the one Jo is currently on," Harry said.

"Death is an occupational hazard in the army. If you value your life so much, you can quit, Major," Arietta said.

Harry let out a loud laugh before replying.

"You're right, Lady Arietta. I'll take that into consideration," Harry said and walked away; few seconds later he turned back.

"You know, Lady Arietta, I find death amusing, the act of something ceasing to exist is quite admirable. But I wouldn't know; I'm sure your son Kor would, though," Harry said with a loud laughter.

Arietta tightened her fist as she stared at Harry hatefully.

"You don't have to mind him much, Mum," Tuk said.

"No, I really want to..." Arietta replied.

"I believe Lord Jai had made some requests for reinforcement from us?" Arietta said.

"Yes, Mom. The Queen confirmed his request. Why?" Tuk asked.

"It seems Lord Harry will be going to the desert," Arietta said and walked to chat with other guests.

Half an hour later, the host of the event finally made her appearance. Immediately, she entered the room, the Master of Ceremonies announced her name.

"Princess Lena Stareith Litinhn, member of the royal household. Princess of Omi!!"