The Massacre 4

Many of the guests were engaging in a conversation with the Princess. Some were interested in her project, while others had their own agenda—trying to either get her support in exchange for theirs or ignoring her project altogether to push forth theirs. Either way, she knew convincing everyone wouldn't be easy.

As the party continued, she discovered some were even trying to introduce their sons to her, even at a charity event.

"Do these people have no shame? I get it if it's a birthday party or some other occasion, but this? It's a charity event, and I'm not even allowed a break from this nonsense." Although she didn't say it out loud, her expression spoke volumes.

As the night wore on, the party became more tiresome, with guests trying to introduce their sons. The Princess needed a break. She called on Irene and asked her to take care of the guests while she rested in Irene's office.

As she was about to leave the room, someone approached her. "Your Highness..." Lady Diana greeted with perfect courtesy, accompanied by a young man who the Princess felt must be her husband.

"Chancellor Diana, lovely to see you here. Glad you could make it," the Princess said.

"I won't miss it for anything in the world. You know I'm a big supporter of the work you do here, so I'll always be here to support in any way I can."

"Thanks for the support, Chancellor," the Princess replied.

"If you don't mind, Princess, my husband and I would love to have a chat with you privately concerning the work you do here. We have some suggestions that we believe will be to your liking," Diana said.

"Oh really?" The Princess asked. "Well, I was just on my way to take a short break. You can join me in Lady Irene's office," the Princess said.

"Speaking of Irene, I heard you finally finalized the adoption of a young helper."

"Yes, Your Highness. In fact, we brought her, but she's with the other kids."

"Oh, I guess kids will always be kids."

"Yes, Princess, as they should be," Rex replied this time.

"Come, let's discuss this great idea of yours," the Princess said, leading the way to Irene's office. All three of them walked down the halls, separating themselves from the other guests and the party halls until they got to Irene's office.

In the ballroom, Thena could not believe her eyes as she stared around, taking in everything. From the design of the room to the lights, and especially the food—everything was, what's that word.... exquisite.

"So this is how the rich live," she muttered under her breath.

She kept staring at everything and everyone, not watching where she was going until she bumped into someone and fell on her butt.

"Watch it," Thena said before she could control her impulses. Unfortunately, it was too late, and a few eyes were drawn towards her direction.

"Oops," the young girl said.

The woman she lashed out at stared at her with a sharp gaze. Her blue eyes were as clear as the sky, and her beauty was enchanting.

"She's the one," Thena thought. "I can't believe I ran into her. She's the one that short, loud man called Arietta Kindel. She's the calm of the storm, Arietta Kindel."

Thena was lost in her thoughts when Arietta suddenly touched her hair.

"I'm sorry, little one. Hope you're not hurt," Arietta said in concern.

"No, my lady," Thena tried to courtesy to impress Arietta and salvage her already damaged manners, but she failed more miserably than Thia had when she made her first attempt.

Arietta saw Thena's attempt to courtesy and chuckled.

"Aren't you a cute one," Arietta said, drawn by the girl's lovely silver hair. "Are you also a child here?" Arietta asked.

This time, the eyes that were previously on them had reduced greatly.

"Yes, my lady, but I have already been adopted," Thena replied.

"Oh really? That's great. Are your parents here?" Arietta asked.

"Yes, my lady. They were talking to some guests, so I decided to meet my friends," Thena replied.

"Hmm, so what's your name?" Arietta asked.


"What a befitting name," Arietta said. Thena loved the fact that her idol loved her name and was smiling awkwardly.

"I'm Arietta, by the way. Nice to meet you."

"Oh yes... I know you. Calm of the storm, Arietta Kindel. I heard the loud man say your name when you entered," Thena said, unable to contain her excitement.

"Really? You know of me? I hope it's in a good way?" Arietta asked.

"Yes, very good," Thena giggled.

"It's always nice to meet admirers."

"Do you know where your parents are? Maybe I can help you search for them."

"No need, Lady Kindel. I'm going to join them later. I've not tried all the food here yet," Thena said as if it was a normal thing that was expected of her.

Arietta let out an elegant laughter and touched Thia's cheek.

"You are soo cute. I wish I had a daughter. Between you and me, having only sons can be troublesome. Girls are simpler."

"Maybe I should ask Bale if we can adopt a girl. I'm sure that would give him an overdue heart attack," Arietta said.

"What do you think Thena, mind ditching your adoptive parents and joining my family?" Arietta asked.

"Oh, really, I'd love tp do that, but"... Thena thought.

"I'm sorry my Lady, but I don't want to make my adoptive parents sad. They've given me a home and a better life. It will be bad if I hurt them like that" Thena said.

" And just when I thought you couldn't get cuter", Arietta said

"Your Parents are lucky to have a child like you Athena"

As the two were speaking a young man called Arietta from behind.

"Mom" Tuk called out

"You're back son. I thought you would still be talking to some ladies."

"I was but I just.." as he was talking Arietta suddenly cut him off

"You know it's only right for your to enjoy this things when you get the chance. You don't know when you'll have a mission and how long it will last."

"I know mom, but I didn't want to leave you alone here for too long" Tuk said.

Arietta scoffed and stared at Thena.

"He thinks that's cute. Do you know the last time I saw him before few days ago?"

"Two months, he left his mother home for two whole months and now he's back acting like he never left my side".

"Go and meet some girls young man or do and your brothers want me to die a Mother?

I also want to see my grand children."

"Mom! You're still very young" Tuk said in protest.

"Well, are you waiting till I'm grey and half dead"

"No!, But, I'm also very young I'm only seventeen" Tuk said.

"So? I met you father when I was seventeen and I got married at nineteen".

"Sure, there was a war then, hence the urgency, but still that didn't stop us, so what's stopping you from meeting someone now." Arietta said.

"I don't need to meet anyone Tonight. And besides I'm already with the most lovely women here".

"Ump, flattery won't let you off Young man" Arietta said before turning to Thena.

"See Athena, troublesome, and did I mention stubborn and annoying".

"Will you reconsider my offer?"she asked.

Thena stared at her idol with amusement and shook her head.

Arietta sighed in regret and turned to her son.

"What offer is that mom"

"None of your concern young man"

Tanith would have joined them but immediately he heard his mom giving Tuk the meet someone lecture, he tip toed to a different location.