The massacre 7

The Massacre 7

The Princess had been gone for a short while, and her absence had not gone unnoticed. She was both the princess and the host of the event, so, she was, of course, the center of attraction. The future ruler of the Kingdom was not someone that would be in a room and no one would notice; it was also same if reverse were the case. Major Harry Laxe, the son of General Harvey Laxe, had barely left the princess ever since she came into the room for the first time. He had been watching her every move and everyone she spoke to, observing with a piercing gaze. Harry Laxe was a scion of the Laxe family, a family with power, influence, and wealth, so it was safe to say some of the other nobles around would want to have a word with the youngster; even some of the people in the army wanted to speak to the Major, but the man seems not to be in the mood. Some of those who came to him found, after a while, that they had been speaking to themselves since Harry was distracted by something else. Others Harry himself dismissed or insulted, anything to make them stay away from him. He only came here for one reason, and that was the princess; anything else was not worth his time. He thought back to the time he first met the young girl five years ago. The princess was celebrating her 14th year birthday, and he was just preparing to join the army. Harry had never been interested in politics or any form of struggle for power; he always had it all, so he didn't see any need to join in the schemes and deceit. In fact, he hated it. He was a very laid-back boy, always taking things nonchalantly; that was until he met the princess five years ago. Harry, unlike most of the other guests during that fateful day, had snuck out of the party and was wandering around the Palace environment. He wasn't looking for anything in particular, but he knew if he was around those people at the party, he would definitely kill someone; not that it matters. Walking around the Palace, he stumbled upon something unlikely. It seems some people were engaging in a fight. Seeing this, Harry held himself and watched from an angle. Staring close to the scene, he saw a very tall and rugged girl beating the hell out of some boys. The girl was dressed in casual clothing, looking like a small-time Nobles daughter. There were four boys there and only two girls. One of which was a small young girl, and the other was the Princess. Of course, Harry didn't know he was staring at the Princess; all he knew was that the party was going on, and even the celebrant was nowhere to be found. The Princess was beating all four of the boys like it was second nature to her. Although she received a lot of hits, she still overcame all of them. "You're all Nobles, despicable. I thought the whole essence of nobility and royalty was respect and an exemplary, but you all definitely lack it. Ganging up on a small girl... pathetic," she said after beating all four boys to the point where they were rolling in pain. "If this is what it means to be a noble, I definitely need to change that. People like you who have no regards for anyone don't deserve respect from anyone," Princess Lena said. "In the future, I'll make sure you all learn in the most painful way." Princess Lena said. "Let's go Masha," the princess said, picking the other young girl up. Harry hid himself in a corner and watched how everything unfolded. He heard what she said at the end, and he found the common girl amusing. "She's quite feisty, but still... what can she do, she's just one girl" he thought and walked away. After watching the whole fiasco, Harry returned to the boring party, which the celebrant was still missing. It didn't take too long for the princess to finally make an appearance though. At first, Harry didn't recognize Lena due to the dress and the heavy makeup on her face, hiding the bruises from her previous scuffle. But still, he was sure he had only seen one girl with a towering height like Lena that day. And the small and timid dark-skinned girl beside her only confirmed his suspicions. Seeing this, something clicked inside Harry; the princess's words rang clearly in his ears again, and he couldn't help but smile. If that's the case, then I'll show you how a real noble acts. Let me see how you'll make me submit. I'll make you mine; let's see if you'll be able to resist. Harry knew one of the reasons for the party was to get the princess acquainted with the young noble scions in preparation for her future. He knew a lot of nobles would be parading the heirs and brightest in front of the royals. Everyone will be trying to impress her, but who cares. "I know exactly what she likes, and I'm going to do just that," he thought. His actions that day were ones that made him the second biggest troublemaker of his generation; his crime was disrupting a royal ball and beating up the young guests. He had gone ahead to challenge all the young scions that came that day. "If you all can defeat me, I'll forfeit the right to claim the Princess's hand in marriage. But if I do, you all will forfeit that right, and I'll pay you a hundred gold coins each," Harry declared on that fateful day. Everyone was shocked and perplexed; they had thought the young boy was trying to impress Lena so much that he was foolish enough to challenge everyone. It wasn't until he had done so that fateful day that most of the people realized he wasn't joking. Harry had triumphed against 21 young nobles that day. Since then, Harry had become the most likely candidate to win the Princess's hand in marriage. Of course, the princess hated his pompous guts for treating her like she was a fool that loved muscle heads; still, he didn't care about that. In fact, he was positive the princess would one day fall for him. "I'll be the most charming of all after all," he thought to himself. Watching the princess now, after she had returned from a short break, Harry noticed something different; he couldn't really put his finger on it, but he knew something was definitely off. He walked closer to the princess and stopped in front of her. Lena looked at Harry and smiled, something she had never done before.