
A/N - Reading fantasy stories are always more interesting while listening to epic soundtracks.

"Permit me to speak your majesty," General Harvey said as he stood up to address everyone.

"Go on General" King Stefan replied.

"What are we going to do about Ina, the prank they pulled is too big a prank, we can't just ignore it."

"Surely General, what do you suggest...?" The King asked

"Your majesty, I have been trying to track an Island at which the Eru army uses to train these child soldiers they used to infiltrate even tha palace and I've finally made progress. With you permission, I would like to attack this Island."

"I have also heard of such a place before, but was unable to track this Island down" the Queen said.

"How did you manage such a feat."

"Countless years in the field, you pick up a lot of skill or two and get a source or two" the general replied.

"You have my permission general. With what they pulled at The borders and now, here, it will be foolish if we don't respond." "General Atilah" the king called.

A beautiful woman with green eyes and very delicate figure stood up and bowed to the king. She wore the same red cape the other general wore on their amour.

"Yes your majesty".

"See to it that general Harvey, has everything he needs to make this operation a success" The king ordered.

"Yes your majesty Genera"l Atilah replied

After that the king turned to the man standing guard in front of him. 

"Orion, let them in" the king ordered.

The door was open and five people came in. Three young looking men, a young lady and a small boy not older than ten.

Five of them walked up to the king and queen sitting on the throne and bowed when got to the steps leading to the throne.

"Your majesty" the five of them kneeled and greeted in unison

"Rise" the King said benovelently and the five of them stood up.

"How are your injuries?" King Stefan asked

"Fine your majesty" one answered.

"Barely felt a thing" another said

"Nothing threatening your Majesty" another replied.

"All healed up my King" Henry replied.

"I heard you were poisoned" the king said to the child among them. 

"Yes your majesty, but I'm fine now".

"I'm impressed, I heard it takes fully grown adults Two good weeks to fully recover from a Siris blood, turns out you are built different." The king said making everyone turn to look at the boy again.

Gor didn't reply and just bowed.

He remembered being in severe pain from the poison. He felt his body burning like they had been set on fire from the inside. If it hadn't been for Ares and his father's speed. He would have surely died.

The king stood from his throne and started addressing everyone.

"I know we all mourn the loss of the dead"

"And we will continue to honor them for their sacrifice and bravery, but we also need to give honor to our brave and Valiant soldier, who fought desperately and survived the great ordeal that claimed so many lives".

"I don't want to to feel like you don't deserve this awards, I want you to take them as something that reminds you of the reasons why we protect and serve this nation and this family, my family." He gave a signal and two women walked in with medals of a small tray.

The king walked and approached the first man.

"To Knight Jacard Fin, I know grant you the Knight rank of second guard in the Queen's guard, a promotion from your previous rank of fourth guard, and the military rank of second lieutenant a promotion from your previous rank of Senior Sergeant" The King said and placed a small golden medal on his chest

"To Knight Yerry Kale, I now grant you the rank of first guard in the Queen's guard, a promotion from the previous rank of third guard, and the military rank of first lieutenant in opposed to your previous rank of Master sergeant".

"To Knight Cana Balor, I now grant you the rank of High guard in the Queen's guard, a promotion from your previous rank of first guard and the military rank of Colonel, a promotion from the previous rank of Captain".

"I believe you know what this means High guard Balor" the king added.

"Yes your majesty, I'll make sure I protect the queen with my life, just like Lord Cain once did"

"I'll leave her in your care then" The King said

"To Knight Henry Laxe, I now grant you the rank of Third guard in the Princesses guard, a promotion from your previous rank of Junior knight, and the military rank of Senior Sergeant in opposed to your military rank of Corporal." The king said and placed the medal badge on his shoulder.

"Your father must be proud" The king said. 

"Isn't that right general." 

General Harvey stood up and replied.

"And Honoured" Your Majesty he said with a smile

The king moved to Gor and stood in front of him. Many were surprised to see a young boy there with the others, some wondered who he was and why he was even there in the first place. 

The king placed his hand on Gor's shoulder, he wanted to hug the boy tightly for saving his baby, but he controlled himself, or did Queen's heavy gaze did.

"To you my boy, the King said I have a special request, I have discussed with every one involved and they've all agreed. I can't give you a military rank yet. You are still very much young and inexperienced to command one. But, you do have a great head on your shoulders so, this is what I'll do".

"To you Gor Kindel, I grant the rank of High guard of the Princess guard" the king said.

Everyone looked around in shock and awe, they couldn't believe what their ears had heard. The king was putting a child as the Princesses personal guard. 

"Has the King gone senile? He's placing a nine year old boy as an High guard?" Some thought 

Gor who didn't know what the even meant just stared at the king and smiled

He looked at Henry and the young guard seems to be smiling.

"Why is he smiling" He thought.

Few days ago when he had received the news that he would be receiving an award, he didn't know it was going to be like this... He thought maybe some gold or something like Bale's head on a plate, but instead it was just an unnecessary obligations. He wanted to refuse but his mom told him to do it, she felt it was better him guarding the princess than a stranger the princess didn't trust.

Gor could only sigh in defeat.

So many glares and murmurs filled the room. Some even tried to see if the king was referring to some else and not the brat in front of him, but unfortunately their eyes were not playing tricks on them.

The king ignored all the comments,- he would get to them later - and continued his speech.

"Like I said earlier I can't give you a military rank, so I'll give you a blank call as your second reward, you can ask for any one single thing, and if it is within our power we will give the" King said.

"The murmurs increased after the king said this, how could he do this for a child". They thought.

Gor stared at the king, not knowing what to ask, he thought for a while and decided to speak.

"Can I say what I want some other time?" He asked.

"Of course, the blank Call is valid for as long as possible. Take your time."

"Thank you, your majesty" Gor said.

"Now, does anyone have a problem with my choice concerning the Princess's personal guard?" The king asked.

One of the five who came on along side Gor stepped forward.

"Speak High guard Balor."

"I dear not question you decision your majesty, but I will like to see myself if Lord Kindel has what it takes, to protect the future of this country" Cana Balor said.

The king turned to Gor.

"Do you accept the challenge?" he asked.

"I don't accept anything Gor thought, he didn't want to be burdened with anything for the time being but....

"Yes" he actually said.