Making monsters

The Divine Realm: Archive, Nik's Domain.

Nik, the god of wisdom, discovery and enlightenment, was in his domain, going over one of the numerous works he was doing. The god of wisdom was one of the Oldest and most powerful gods and one of the current members of the High council of gods. Being a divine being respected for both his wisdom and guidance, he was placed in charge of keeping all records of the Divine beings; Historical, scientific, forbidden and informative. His domain was an endless library with different shelves that stood all the way to the skies, spinning all around. His domain was an infinite library called the Archive. He had fairies and as helpers, who assisted the god in his work and research and as the progenitor of wisdom, he had tonnes of it.

As the god sat on a Table surrounded by Various faires flying around. He spoke in a somber an soft tone.

"Bring me the Grimoire of Curses by Yeye, the great mother of the tenth Existence. There's something there that has I want to check" Nik said to one of the fairies. Who went on to carry out his request.

"You know Tink have been working on this for 3 million year's now, and never had there been a weakness in the viel like there is now, unfortunately the weakness is repairing itself, but if I can just get a way to stall it's repairs, maybe that will finally give us the time we need to break the cursed Viel." Nik said to the fairy flying beside it.

The little flying light replied with a melodious sound, like the sound of bells.

"I know Tink, but even the slightest chance is still a chance and it's my duty to take that chance. I might not be well versed in using curse magic, but I can create something that can help me bypass such handicap". Nik replied

The fairy made another sound again and Nik looked up.

"I know Tink, that's why I'm only going to be looking at the theoretical aspect, until I raise the chance of success to at least forty percent. If you think I can't do that much then Maybe I'm really not qualified to be the god of wisdom. This is a quest for knowledge Tink, I'm not a raving mad scientist. 

"A Curse doomed both the Divines and demons, and I've spent eternity studying the Dynamics of such a curse and I must say, I didn't like what I found. But, if we can understand it better, I'm sure I can find a solution better than the ones I've always found. One can not give up on knowledge Tink. It makes us wiser" Nik explained.

"The Viel will repair it self in two weeks Mortal world time. So we don't have eternity Tink".

As they were both discussing, another light came to them and made the same melodious sound as the fairy called Tink. 

"Did she say why she's here?" Nik asked the fairy who shook his head.

"Then let her in" Nik said.

Few seconds Later, Kali made her way into Nik's domain.

"Hello Master Nik" Kali greeted

"What brings you here Time?". 

"Can't I visit my Old mentor again? Kali asked.

"Actually you can, but I'm neither old nor your mentor. So what are you doing here? Nik said

"You tear my essence master, all those times you spent teaching and mentoring me before by father died, and even after his death, I can't believe you never thought of me as your student" Kali replied.

"Well, now that you know, I believe you can leave, I have work to do" Nik said.

"No one can get past you perception I'll give you that" Kali said.

"What do you want Kali?x 

"Ahh, the great god of wisdom, I believe you know why I'm here" Kali said, "Or are you still going to act ignorant" Kali asked.

Nik looked around for a while before speaking.

"Leave us", his voice echoed and all the fairies in the domain flew up into the sky, leaving the two gods alone.

"Tell me, what you want Kali or leave" Nik warned

"I need, the Alitcatnen, I'm going to be performing the Litc ritual to restore the fate essence to one of my daughters" Kali said.

"The last time I checked, only a member of the council could perform a litc Ritual, and that is after we have decided who will get the essence of fate, at the Divine summit"

"Are you going to disregard the law and perform such a ritual thinking I'll just allow you"

Kali let out a loud laughter and stared at Nik like he just told the most hilarious joke she has heard.

"The law? What damn law is that Nik? The law you ignored when Plutonia murdered my daughter, giving her a slap on the wrist instead of sealing her for good. The law you ignored after that abomination locked us here for 3 million years and starved us of souls. She and her brothers are an abomination and they don't belong in our realm, but what did you do? You ignored the law and forgave their numerous crimes, you even gave one of them a sit on the high council".

"Have gone to Kokuo's realm lately? Or have you forgotten how that bastard displayed the weapons of our children in his domain like trophies after slaughtering them!!?" 

"Where was the law when all those happened."

"Enough!!" Nik roared as his Voice shook the whole domain.

"I haven't forgotten Child" Nik replied with a snarl.

"My son Selmon is one of them. Kokuo killed him after he foolishly challenge Kokuo. I begged him, but he made his choice, and so did all those fools who challenged him. So don't talk to me like you are talking to a naive fool. Kadara died because of you, or did you think I don't know what you did with the fate of those three children. You made three monsters and released them into the mortal realm and plenty of them will die because of you".

"Good let them die, they don't matter any way" Kali said.

"To you they don't, but to their families and loved ones the mean everything". 

"What about our loved ones that have suffered because of those three, how about them? What did your law, or your wisdom do for them."

"Our laws will continue to protect us if we continue to follow them. If we don't, we'll just suffer again. Just like it happened three million years ago."

"I'm not giving you the Alitcatnen, Kali. Now go back home" Nik said.

"I'm not going back old god, not until I have what I came for.

Three million years we've been starved and feeding off crumbs because of those three, that come to and end now. It's either you give me what I came for, or I take it" Kali said and her eyes began to glow in divine light.

Nik looked at her with a deathly gaze and responded. 

"No child, I'm not giving you anything" Nike replied, ready for a fight