True interrogation

Ashell had been concentrating on breaking Kin's chains that she had not noticed Meliesse true intentions. She had failed to notice the pillar also possessed a curse of her own, she had failed to notice it on time, or maybe it was that Meliesse was proficient in hiding her curse. After all, it wasn't something as flashy as Dante's Alpha wolf form, or even General Kyle's harrowing Death Knight form, but still, it was just as dangerous. Infact, very few people knew she had a curse, and for a very simple reason, most people never lived to tell the tale after experiencing her curse. 

Immediately she gazed into Kin's eyes, Kin found himself in a desolate land, empty, vast, but dead. There were no plants, no life, even the wind blew lifelessly. Only solid ground filled with cracks and nothingness littered the place. 

"Where is this place?" Kin thought.

"Did I die? Did I die just from looking at her eyes?" Kin thought.

"How is that even possible?"

As he was trying to figure out his situation, he felt something under his feet and looked down.

Kin's gaze suddenly turned ugly as he saw blood coming out from within the cracks in the ground, a stench of death and corpses filled the air, as if someone just opened all the caskets in a graveyard. The smell was horrible and Kin's heart could barely hold on.

"What's going on?"

"Why is.., what is.., how is.." Kin's brain flew into panic mode

"Ashell!!" Kin called but no answer came.

"Where are you."

"Ashell, Ashell..." Kin screamed, trying to find solace in the voice inside his head, but all he heard was silence.

Kin looked down and noticed the blood was growing more, filling up the whole place.

"Shit, what the hell is this.."

He tried to move, but fell into the sea of blood, his entire body soaked in blood.

He looked into the pool of blood and saw a reflection. A woman with red hair and crimson eyes stared back at him, instead of his own reflection.

"You, It's you. you're the one doing this" Kin said.

Meliesse smiled maliciously before replying.

"Yes, guilty as charged". She said.

Her figured suddenly rose from the reflection and before Kin knew it, a beautiful woman with red hair and crimson eyes stood in front of him.

"You know, I must count myself fortunate for noticing the company you kept in your soul before I used my curse on you." "If I had invaded your soul instead of inviting you to mine, that crazy bitch would have burned me to a crisp". Meliesse said

Kin stared a Meliesse in shock...

"She's able to invade people's souls with her curse, how.. how devious" he thought swallowing a lump of saliva.

"Wha- what do you want from me?" Kin asked trying his best not to sound terrified but failed miserably. 

"Ahh, what I want? There's alot of things I want, but what I want from you is rather simple". Meliesse said

"I want to know if you are really a snotty brat from the streets like you really claim to be, or if you are someone else" Meliesse said.

"Someone else? Who exactly do you think I am" Kin asked

"Oh, I don't know, you tell me 'Ashin', or is it prince Kin Orun, Son of King Ken". Meliesse said

"Who? You think I'm the Prince? I don't even look like him" Kin said feigning ignorance.

"Oh please, you're not the first person whose curse would change their appearance. Do you think I was born with eyes like this?" Meliesse asked pointing to her eyes.

"Your hair color, eyes and even size could have easily been altered when you summoned your curse".

"So answer me while I'm still being polite.

Are you the prince of Wize?"


In Ashell's domain, when she noticed Kin's soul had been forcefully drawn into Meliesse soul. She stopped her previous task of trying to break Kin's chains. If she doesn't rescue the stupid prince from his captivity, then there won't be any need to break him free. 

"Damnit," Ashell cursed.

"That damned fool. What was he thinking, staring into that crazy bitch's eyes. Didn't his mom teach him not to stare at strangers." 

"Well, I'll just have to teach him a lesson after I rescue him."

Ashell thought of her options and how she could safely rescue Kin. Truthfully, she had two options, one was to cause Meliesse to forcefully return Kin by endangering her body in the real world. Ashell could let her flames leak from her domain into the real world. This would endanger Meliesse body and cause her to recall her soul to be able to escape Ashell flames. But this was too risky. Ashell's flames were not the regular flames and could not be extinguished through regular means. If not contained quickly, she could end up reducing the whole Bintan into ash. She recalled the night when Kin first summoned her, her powers had destroyed everything around Kin at that moment and although one could say it was perfect timing at that moment, the same couldn't be said now.

Her second option was hidden deep inside Kin's soul.

Something has been done to his soul by someone, which made him capable of summoning Ashell in the first place. Normally, abominations like Ares, Iku and Ashell were not meant to be summoned to the mortal realm. No mortal soul should be capable of holding their abilities, but here they were. Even now she could feel those two somewhere out there, she didn't know exactly where, but she knew they were definitely still in the mortal realm. Who ever manipulated Kin's soul probably manipulated the other vessels souls. 

"I can use it to my advantage" Ashell thought as she decided to go with her second option. Trace Kin's soul via the imprint in it and break him out from Meliesse's grasp.