Little abomination

Ashell remembered her mission: to protect her master's child, no matter the cost. Although she wanted Kin to die so she could return, something had happened during the short time she had stayed with the foolish prince. Something that had not happened to her mistress in a long time. When they first arrived in the mortal world, Kin's actions were the exact opposite of what she was expecting. The child's soul was indeed very strong and powerful, but his physical being was more of a pathetic joke. Although her curse helped to break down his disappointing physical appearance, his character was not something even the greatest curse could easily alter. Sometimes, he was smart, calculating, and dangerous, but other times, he was foolish, reckless, and a bit of an airhead. Although his redeeming features were there, they only came out to play once in a while, leaving Kin at the mercy of these unpleasant attitudes. That was in no way a good thing, but she found it amusing. 

Ashell didn't know why, but her mistress found Kin amusing and fun to watch. She remembered their first conversation when Kin claimed he would defeat his country for his harem, instead of duty, revenge, or even for wealth and glory. Isn't that how humans were supposed to think?

Instead, he was more motivated by the prospect of having a lot of women around him than anything else. Ashell had to admit, but the kid was something. There was almost no dull moment around the prince. The more time they spent with Kin, the more she wanted to be around him. Although Ashell didn't want to acknowledge it, she was also curious about the prince and wished to see how things would play out in the future.

With this in mind, Ashell proceeded with her plan. She took a step forward, taking a deep breath, before speaking in a somber tone. "You have to do it, my lady. I don't share a direct link with him, but you do. It will be more effective if you use the link between his soul and your essence." Ashell stated

"No worries, Ashell, I'm not going to let him die," the child said. "Let me take over."

Immediately, Ashell took a step back and allowed the child to come out. A young child with golden Hair and skin came out, her eyes were as dark as her lashes and she had a very small body like that of a young child, but she was nothing less than 100 years old. (A\N: The divine beings and demons aged differently, apart from their ability to live long, they only age every ten years, human time) As soon as she stepped into Ashell's domain, the entire domain felt the presence of its true master. The domain, which was once filled with intense golden flames and light, suddenly became a large span of darkness, loneliness, and nothingness. Nothing could be seen, nothing could be heard, nothing could be felt and nothing existed. The child suddenly dived deep into her essence. Her essence looked like a vast collection of stars, filling the entire space, leaving no room for anything else. It was vast, beautiful, and very powerful, but most of all, it was broken, it shape twisted and torn, as if a disaster had befallen her very essence, the entire space looked like a broken world, one that showed no sign of repairing. The child grimaced in pain as she spent time trying to find her connection to Kin.

"Bear with it, my lady, you can do it. Just concentrate," Ashell whispered softly in her ear.

The child continued until she finally found that spark that pulled her toward Kin, that thing that connected her to Kin and tied her essence to his soul. She grabbed it, and at that moment, she felt something in her chest. Something trickled onto her being, causing her to feel more pain, but she powered through.

"You're not going to take him," she whispered. Her labored breath prevented her from speaking properly. She clenched her hand and tried harder until she could finally feel it. Kin's soul. Vast and strong as it was, seemed to be trapped in a powerful barrier.

"Let me take over," Ashell suggested, but the child shook her head.

"There's no time; he's in grave danger." She explained

She raised her hand, and dark energy swirled around it until it formed a spear. With every ounce of strength she could muster, she attacked the barrier, causing the entire place to shake. She kept on pushing, but the barrier was very strong, causing her to move back a bit. She tried to attack again, but her body felt heavier, causing her to drop to her knees.

"My lady," Ashell said in concern.

"Don't worry about me, Ashell. I'll get him out. Just get ready to take over after I break this barrier."

Ashell knew it wasn't wise to argue at a moment like this, so she took a step back. The child unsummoned the spear and summoned a hammer instead. She looked at the barrier and, with all her strength, raised it, hitting the barrier with everything she had. The barrier pushed back at her, looking unfazed and unmoved, but the child was more motivated. After a while small cracks, could be seen in the barrier. The child smiled in triumph before speaking.

"Ashell, now!!" she cried and went back within Ashell.

Immediately, Ashell took over. She saw the child had created a crack in the barrier, but it wasn't yet broken. She smirked and raised her own hammer before speaking. "You'd better be alive, else I'll kill you myself. Soul breaker!" she screamed as she brought down the hammer, hitting the barrier and shattering it in the process

Kin who was trapped in Meliesse's soul domain, was trying his best to hold on. He knew from the moment Meliesse succeeded in drawing him her that he was in trouble, not unless he escaped, which looking at the place they were, would be quite impossible.

He tried to hold on for as long as possible, but he could feel the very thing preventing Meliesse from hurting him shatter at each passing second.

He needed to do something, and he needed to do it fast.

But what could he even do in this situation? Lying obviously wasn't working.

"Dammit", he thought and decided to tell Meliesse what she wanted to hear.

He opened his mouth to talk, but before words could form from his mouth, the entire soulscape shook...