
A figure covered in a red substance could be seen in the desert walking amid some men lying down on the bloodied ground, most of them unmoving. The battle, or whatever happened, had not taken too long and Kin was now stripping the corpse, taking their swords, amour, -the valuable ones at least-, and sending them to Ashell's domain. He also removed some of their shoes, trying to find at least one that would fit a ten-year-old, not that he was hopeful. After searching for a while, he finally saw one that wasn't too big for him to wear. It wasn't his exact fit but, it was better than walking around barefooted, and the previous owner wasn't going to need it as much as he did, not anymore anyways. Kin looked at the corpse after he had confirmed the man's shoes fit him and bowed slightly.

"I'll put them to better use, urm…" He turned towards the side towards another man lying on the ground. He didn't share the same fate as his comrades and was still moving, although tied down.

"What's his name?" Kin asked the assassin he kept alive

The man moved slightly trying to ease his pain and answer the boy as quickly as he could. He looked at the corpse and he felt sorry for the man. The man was missing an arm and something seemed to have split his head open. No doubt it was Kin's axe.

"I can't recognize him", the man immediately panicked as he thought Kin would kill him for that reason.

Seeing as the man was not responding Kin spoke.

"Doesn't matter" Kin said, approaching the man. His figure was concealed in blood. Although Kin was still just a child, his bloody figure made him more like a beast in a human shell than a human, maybe that was what he was. As the man saw Kin approaching he tried to move backward and stay away from Kin, but he was tied down and was also injured, but his injuries were not enough to claim his life. Unlucky him, everyone was dead and he was still here with this…, this monster.

"How can a child do all this?" He thought

They had come here to assassinate the prince of Wize, they were told he was in Bintan and when they arrived at Bintan, they were told to go and get him from the whispering mountains. Their source was credible as he had told them to hurry since rumors were, the old dog was also looking for him. When they arrived and met Kin, he was nothing like the prince in the picture they were given. At first, they thought they had been tricked, on one hand, the prince was a chubby boy with dark hair and a spoiled attitude, and on the other hand, Kin had the appearance of a skinny boy, with golden hair, eyes, and a bad attitude. He had directly talked down to them like they were maggots at his feet when they first saw him. Even if he weren't the prince, they would have killed the boy and be on their way, but instead, he declared himself as the prince they were searching for and went on to kill each and every one of them, except for him of course. Kin was finally upon the man and stared at him with disdain.

"Can you walk?" Kin asked.

He immediately tried to move his legs but they didn't respond so the man shook his head. Kin had not injured him severely, but, fear was an irrational customer. It kept him right where he was.

"Ah, I think I might have overdone it" Kin said, staring at the helpless assassin. It was amazing how the predator had easily turned to a prey. Kin gripped his chin and spoke quietly, but clear enough for the man to hear.

"Maybe I should kill him if he's going to be useless".

When the man heard this, fear gripped him again and this time as a strong motivator. He, tried standing, his legs, slowly but surely, began to respond to him.

"Oh, good. You can move, I have a message for who sent you. Tell them the prince is coming soon and when I do, their heads will be the first ones I take. After my uncle Jai of course" Kin added with a smile.

"Now, off you go," Kin said and the man stood up using every will he could muster and ran away, he didn't even care what direction he was going, anywhere away from Kin was a safe place as far as he was concerned. After the man left Kin grabbed two of the drasnels the assassins had used and started walking towards Jamila, as he did, he spoke to Ashell.

"Do you have enough?" Kin asked.

"No, not yet" Ashell replied.

"How much do you need?" He asked

"As many as possible. Just keep sending them here when it's time, I'll tell you it's enough"

"These swords are great, but they are not going to be the main ingredients though to raft a good amour you are going to need a good crystals. A white crystal or a black one would do wonders in helping you craft a good amour" Ashell said.

"Ah…, you say that as if I have those lying around somewhere". Kin said

"You need to find one, an amour is also part of your arsenal, and the right amour will save your life" she urged.

"Well I've managed without one all this while, I think I can survive a while longer.

Ashell was about to reply when a scream caught Kin's attention.

Jamila saw Kin and was moving away from him like he was some Kind of monster.

It's me Kin said and immediately tried to calm her down.

"Ashin… I mean Kin?"

"Oh, you finally believe that I'm the prince Kin said raising his brow. And I just had to look hideous for you to believe".

Jamil tried to speak but words didn't form from her mouth.

"Well, we'll have the time to speak as we go and look. I brought us some steads" Kin added as he brought the drasnels closer.

They both mounted on the steads and continued their journey.

An hour passed after they left the place, and some men had just arrived at the same location Kin had killed all those men. The gory scene was fully displayed in front of them.

"What might have done this?" One of the men spoke

"Looks like their attackers used an axe" another man replied

"You mean attacker they are all wearing the same thing. It might just be one person

Or one beast" another said

"What do you think happened here, General?" One of them finally asked.

Farouk stared at the man who asked the question

"The same route the prince is suspected to be passing through we have assassins lying dead there" Farouk whispered.

"It seems something interesting is going on with him after all". He said

"It seems the prince is no longer far," One of the men said.

"Indeed" Farouk replied.

"We should go after him. We can catch up "

"No, we'll only follow for now. We keep our distance and make sure no one follows him".

They all stared at Farouk for a while, surprised with the order he gave.

"No worries. If there's any threat the prince cannot handle we will step in, but until that happens I want you all to keep your distance. Is that clear?"

"Yes general" they all responded immediately.