073: Battle of Swords

The crowds were speechless, upon witnessing the Grand Elder who was already in the Peak of the Moon-Class Elites for over hundreds of Years, defeated by a mere young man who had just ascended onto the Moon-Realm.

However, the grand elder's vitality as a Peak Moon-Class Elites was truly formidable.

Even the damage that was inflicted by Arthur's One Sword Technique, began to heal on its own and every tissue on his chest closing the gaping wound.

Staggering on his feet, the grand elder used his sword as a walking cane.

"I'm not yet defeated!" Fei Xing finally stood firmly to maintain his dignity.

"Grand Elder, Fei Xing. I offered you a treaty to benefit both of us. Yet, you chose this way and you tried to kill me in front of the public. I have no other choice, other than killing you." Arthur says calmly.

"Hmph!" Fei Xing snorted. "You cocky little bastard! I will show you the true power of Moon-Class Elite!"