108: The Five Disciple

The Lindwyrm Kingdom's rapid development went very smoothly for the past few months.

With the help of the beasts on the island, the construction of the capital city went really well.

The people from Weizhou Island and the merchants who had been in pact with the Fei Clan since the late Grand Elder Fei Ming began to put their interest upon Lindwyrm Kingdom.

The part of the forest which had been scorched and burned to the ground by the Holy Knights, Half of the island that was burned due to the actions of the Holy Knights, is now used as a residential and trading area.

On every corner of the streets, the sound of hammering and tinkering the wooden planks reverberates in the city.

Even the people had gotten used to living in coexistence with the beasts and vice versa.

As the sun rose over the Lindwyrm Kingdom, the people of the land awoke to a new day filled with hope and promise.