126: Golden Rose

Now that the Whale's Tail Island defense system had been completed, Arthur began to focus the remaining resources to upgrade the weapons and armories of his army.

Needless to say, although the Lindwyrm Kingdom doesn't have millions of troops compared to other kingdoms, Arthur believes that quality is far more superior than quantity.

Henceforth, Arthur starts to think about how to boost their Cultivation Level in as short an amount of time as possible.

He fell into deep thoughts, his Cultivation Technique, Path of The Beast Monarch and Path of The Dark Eminence, of course too treacherous for common people to practice without his direct tutelage.

And yet, he couldn't possibly train tens of thousands of his armies on his own.

When Arthur gazed at the sky through the window, the door of his study room was knocked.

"Come in." He said.

Fei Yue opened the door, bringing him a tea set on a tray.