128: Mass Breakthrough

Later that day, Hui Ying and Fei Yue went to meet Arthur when he was training his Royal Disciples at the top of the Rocky Mountain.

On the other hand, Xiaoqing was already ahead of them while carrying the Cultivation Pills that were stored in a wooden box which was filled with another ten smaller boxes.

Thousands of stair steps were built to accomodate anyone who wishes to see the magnificent beauty of the scenery.

With this, the two women reached the peak of the mountain in a brief time.

At the top of the mountain, the ground was already flattened and paved with bricks so all of the Royal Disciples could train here under Arthur's direct tutelage.

"Master Arthur!" Xiaoqing called him joyusly from afar.

As he hearing her voice, Arthur raised a hand to put the training in halt. "At ease!"

Sort after, the two beautiful women ascended the stairs.