168: Hero of The Ages

Arthur was perplexed upon seeing Asmodeus in human form.

Lightning-like energy crackling around the demon, eroding the soil on every step by its sheer heat.

Looking at this feat, Arthur realized that the demon's power wasn't something to sneeze at.

"Tch! There's only five minutes left before the Soul Tethering ends. I have to finish him off before he does!"

On the other hand, Asmodeus sneered. "What's the matter, monkey? Is that everything that you've got?"

Arthur remained adamant even though his opponent had gotten stronger by hundred folds over.

Even from a glance, Arthur could tell that the demon's strength was well over the Burning Sun Realm and almost transcended to the Demi-God Realm.

Seeing their master was facing the strongest opponent that they ever met, Arthur's beast familiars rushed back to his side in a matter of minutes.

"Master!" Xiaoqing slithered to his side, she was ready to launch an attack at his command.