188: Cerberus

Arthur was very satisfied with his work. With the rebellion of the dwarves and their iron ores mining projects halted, the Nords Empire would lose the very back bone of their economy.

They would eventually fall and chaos engulfed this land and bathed in inferno.

'This will give my kingdom some time to recuperate and build more army. Hui Ying, Loretta and Lillanna know what to do upon hearing this.'

"Sereza, send a message to Nyxondra regarding this event. Tell her to prepare Bezant's soldiers for the upcoming war."

The bat girl opened the portal which was already connected with Nyxondra, the Queen of Earth Dragons who currently stayed at Bezant Empire to ensure Loretta's safety.

"Alright, everything has been set to motion. Now I can focus on myself and strengthen my power in the Nether Realm and reach the True God Realm."

With that in mind, Arthur continued his journey to locate the Gate that would allow him to enter the nether realm.