192: New Age Awaits

After Arthur made his grand appearance in the sky Lindwyrm Forces began to retaliate against the Holy Church.

The four disciples of Arthur descended down from the flying island, their energy fluctuating as they stood in mid air at the frontline of the war.

Wu Jun, Zhang Wei, Huang Ren and Cheng Hao, each of them had reached the Sun Class Elites!

Arthur was very proud of them all. "Seems like the beast farm operation has come to fruition!"

Without exaggeration, becoming a Sun Class Elites in Argoth was incredibly hard, not to mention the amount of fortunes and resources that needed to nurture one cultivator to reach that height was unfathomable!

Even an empire could only afford a handful of Sun Class Elites Cultivators at the best. 

And these four young men came from a little kingdom which was practically unknown to the public.

The Holy Church's Elites Officials became wary of this situation at the Head Quarters Camp.