195: World Barrier

You heard me right, my dear. It will benefit her and also your cause. I know, it will take quite some time to fruition but she has to be strong enough to carry the burden of her fate."

Arthur glanced at Xiao Qi who was asleep on the bed. He's aware that his descendants must go through some hardship to fully understand the weight of the power that they will hold in the future.

Especially for Xiao Qi, she's but a young girl with zero experience about the real world.

"Very well. It's parents' duty to educate and look after their children after all. Once we landed at the Northern Region, we shall find the most powerful cultivator to bethrot her with."

Hui Ying nodded witn a smile. Unbeknownst to Arthur, it was also an ancient tradition of her clan to let their children to roam the world hoarding unlimited wisdom and knowledge from one era to another back in the day.