198: Long Awaited Chance

Chang Xiurong fled the scene, running like a cowardly dog with tail between his legs after Arthur shook him with a single slap.

"I will tell my father and you'll regret slapping me!"

Irritated, Arthur kicked the floor, sending one tile flying directly to Chang Xiurong's face.

"Say one more word and I will send you back to your mom's belly!"

Chang Xiurong couldn't bear the embarrassment from the people who witnessed the commotion.

As a young master of an esteemed family in the Golden Swan Town, it was the first time he was humiliated by someone else.

Arthur, on the other hand, doesn't give a shit about Chang Xiurong's background. He snorted while brushing his hand with a disdainful look towards Chang Xiurong.

As the commotion had died down, a distinguished man appeared from the back room.

"Esteemed guests, I have heard the situation from my staff. Perhaps, this humble man could help you with that matter."