200: Annihilating The Chang Family.

Several days later, Arthur finally quenched Hui Ying's lust in her mating period.

Fortunately, the Chang Family's didn't cause her to have Qi Deviation since they had to pause the Dual-Cultivation in mid way.

Now, Hui Ying was sleeping soundly beside Arthur. Her face was so serene and peaceful. Arthur brought her face closer, kissing her forehead while admiring her beauty.

He appreciated every moment that he had with her, however, he still has a goal that he needs to achieve.

'When I am done with my revenge, I will come back to you, and I will bring you to the world of my origins.'

All of the insanity that he always had since the first time he lived in this world washed away when Hui Ying was on his side.

Likewise, Hui Ying could also sense what was on Arthur's mind. She opened her eyes, kissing lips gently and caressing his cheek.