204: The New Height of Power!

A hint of surprise passed through the Emperor's eyes.

He heard from his envoy that the man called Ya Se was very arrogant and haughty. But it seemed that he never expected the young man before him would be this way.

He didn't even bother to welcome the emperor and sat leisurely while snacking on fruits.

If it wasn't for the fact that the young man was far stronger than Wu Shen, Jiang Meng Ge would have stormed the Golden Swan Town long ago and beheaded him on the spot!

Jiang Meng Ge lowered his ego, wreaking havoc and lashing his anger would only tarnish his name and dignity.

"Master Ya Se…" Jiang Meng Ge cleared his throat. "As you might know already, I have a desire to spread my empire's wings to the Northern Region and conquer the Kowloon Kingdom. Thus, I would like to invite you to join my cause. Just imagine the resources and valuable treasures we could obtain from this campaign!"