226: Peak True God Realm*

After a quick flight into the forest region, Arthur and Hui Ying found a delicate, beautiful goddess standing by the lake while humming a melody that made the lake's small creatures follow her hand movement.

Hui Ying soon realized that the goddess who wore a simple gray robe was far stronger than herself. Stronger than Arthur, even. It seems like the Goddess in gray robe was an actual being that descended from a higher plain.

"Minerva." Arthur says calmly. "It's been a while, what has brought you into the lower realm?"


Suddenly, without an alert, Minerva, the Goddess of Reincarnation, effortlessly flew toward him and kissed him on the cheek right cheek.

"Look at you. The human's child that I picked on a whim now had attained his godhood in just ten years."



Hui Ying hissed, her nails elongated along with her ten tails that fully stood in every direction.