230: Political Strife

After the scrumptious dinner that was mostly done by Hui Ying and her daughter, Queen Amara took a stroll in the Bramble Maze Forest under the gentle moonlight to have some fresh air.

Sitting on a moshy dead log, Amara hummed a melodious folk songs from her home kingdom while thinking about the wild fate that befell upon her.

She still couldn't believe what had happened to her life and the Seafolk Kingdom. In just less than a month, the Seafolk Kingdom had undergone a major change and she had no choice but to force herself and her people to adapt to the new world and prepare themselves for the upcoming war.

Originally, Amara sees Arthur as a threat, she even send two honey-traps to assassinate him. However, it proved to be futile as Arthur's capability was beyond she could imagine. On top of that, Arthur has a strong heart that couldn't be wavered by trivial matters.