2 years before canon

The next moment I arrived in a bedroom sleeping in it. I slowly sit up in the bead looking around me. I find it normal for every young man's bedroom. Then I search for memories of this body and my identity in this world. I am Ryan who worked served in the military for 4 years due to his high skill in hand-to-hand combat and weapon handling got many awards and became a major and currently is a military police for 2 years. He is an orphan and lives near Atlanta city in a small town Cynthiana. It's very convenient as his neighbors are Rick and Lori, Grimes. After getting all the information I called out to the system interface as it's not sentient.

Then I created the skill Great Sage which will be very useful on my journey.

Great Sage: Thank you for giving me, life master. How can I help you?

Ryan: Good. From now on I will call you EVE.

EVE: Thank you, master.

Ryan: Now connect with this world's network without anyone noticing anything.

EVE: Yes master.

Then Ryan created the ability adaptable body, skill instant mastery, and item black card with infinite money. Then he created an upgraded super soldier serum that doesn't need any external energy to stimulate cells. Then he went and sat on the bed and injected himself with the serum. Immediately changes started happening in his body and his bones and muscles started becoming stronger and stronger like metal.

After a few hours, Ryan woke up with some black stuff on his body and rushed to the bathroom to clean himself. After coming out and looking at himself in the mirror his height increased and his body looks shredded. Then he put on a white t-shirt and jeans with a black jacket on. Then he slowly walked out of the room and down the stairs and went into the kitchen to make something to eat. while doing this he clearly observed his strength from the serum and his control from instant mastery. Then he sat on the table eating and thinking of his future actions.

Meanwhile, Eve has done her job and reported that what he asked is done. After coming out of his thoughts he nodded to eve and decided that he will not stop the future outbreak or save Rick from his accident. He also made the decision to make Lori Grimes his first lover in the harem. He always wondered why no one in his previous life wrote a walking dead fanfic novel where mc takes Lori into his harem. So he is going to make his fantasy true.