Accident and Outbreak

According to the timeline, today is the day Rick gets shot and goes into a coma, one month before the outbreak.

Similarly to the show, Rick and Lori were having arguments and Lori completely has no feelings for Rick and said that she wants a divorce she also told him that she is seeing someone but didn't tell him that it is Ryan.

After knowing this Rick was devastated and went for his duty as in the show he told Shane about his and Lori's problem but not about her cheating and later as in the show shooting happened Rick was shot and went into a coma.

At this time Shane wanted to comfort her and take advantage of her shaking relationship with Rick but he found that he couldn't as Lori told him that she was going to have a divorce from Rick and be with me and that we have been in a relationship for an over one-and-half year.

Hearing this he was enraged but could do nothing because of my intimidating looks and my job.

From that day Lori was completely staying at my house with Carl.

During these fifteen months, Ryan has changed Lori to the point she is comfortable having threesomes with him and another random girl found in clubs over a long time of persuasion and that she alone couldn't satisfy him. They even had public sex in public toilets, parks, shops, etc.

During this time Ryan has also created the ability of Shadow Monarch.

Skill Creation: Shadow monarch -The ability to rise shadow soldiers from the dead and collect them in your own shadow.

Currently, he has 20 such soldiers obtained from the mission he went on he purposefully only obtained high-quality shadow soldiers rather than with less quality shadow soldiers. As he wants to enjoy his journey with enough power to make his life easy but not too easy.

Time skip 1 month to the day of the outbreak

During this 1 month, Carl grew distant from Lori as she was always looking to have good sex with Ryan and paid little care to Carl.

On the day of the outbreak knowingly Ryan sent Carl to school so that he will get infected or killed by zombies or the military that is trying to neutralize the threat.

Ryan returned home and closed all the doors and windows and took Lori to bed to have lots of sex. Lori was also having sex to her heart's content until she didn't even have the energy to move in the soundproof house.

Meanwhile, the outside world is becoming hell and the shadow soldiers hiding in dark made sure that Carl died in the school and then came to the hospital where Shane was trying to move Rick to safety and silently killed them both and returns to guard the house.

In the evening when Lori woke up and wanted to go pick up Carl from school what she saw outside horrified her as there were dead bodies everywhere some not moving and some moving here and there devouring others.

Then she came to Ryan and told him everything that she saw. He calmed her down with a deep kiss and told her that everything will be fine and to get dressed so they will go find Carl.

Ryan got up and wore a pant and shirt and entered the armory and strapped a sword to his back and two handguns to his legs on either side and took an assault rifle with a silencer.

Then they both got out of the house.