Arriving at CDC

In these 3 days, Ryan and the girls spent time together knowing and understanding each other and working together and also had sex together to take down Ryan but couldn't make him breathless. Carol also didn't blame herself for her daughter's death as it was mentioned by Ryan that the zombie was attracted by Ed and Lori who was playing around became a victim. The girls all practiced together how to effectively kill zombies and not get stuck in zombie horde areas and move along.

The group has also found out about Ryan's relationship with the 4 girls and no one spoke against it as he is strong and capable to make sure that they are well-fed and protected. Except for the Morales family, everyone decided to go to CDC with Ryan. Ryan couldn't bare Dale's van and brought him a new van and toolkit so as to not have any problems in the middle of the road.

Finally, after 3 days in the early morning, the Morales family left with sufficient supplies to reach their destination, and following them, Ryan and the group left for CDC with Daryl at the front on his bike and followed by Ryan and his girls in his car then the remaining Dale, Jim, Glenn, T-dog and Jacqui in the new van.

After a long journey, they reached CDC. The place was filled with military vehicles dead personnel and some zombies here and there. Ryan and the group slowly moved to the gate of the CDC and tried to open the door but it was locked. But Ryan knows that Edwin is watching them and calls for people inside to open the gate after some time the door opens and everyone rushes in as the nearby zombies are attracted to them. After everyone enters the door automatically closes and a man wearing a white coat comes from the elevator and introduces himself as in the show. Then he takes everyone to wash and have food and then explains to them the situation the world is in and about the virus. Also about the energy problem at CDC.

At night after having sex with the girls who are sleeping happily Ryan was thinking about leaving this world soon. But before that, he also wanted to make Maggie his woman and also to make CDC a stronghold for survivors in the future with a long-time food supply for them to make a stand for humanity against zombies and also for those who want to become king or dictator with violence. So early in the morning Ryan went out alone and eliminated the zombies around the CDC with a radius of 100m. Ryan also went to a big electrical hardware shop and placed the equipment that he created for the solar power generators for the CDC to run without any problem as shown in the show. Then he went back to CDC and informed the group that he found solar power equipment which can be used for the base. So with the help of everyone, Ryan moved the equipment and started building the solar power generator which took 4-5 weeks as they are not experts and have to depend on manuals. But finally, the generator was working perfectly. So the CDC can run infinitely without any problem as there won't be any damage to equipment as they were made by his ability creation. The group has also started to clear the city and find supplies and weapons.

At this time Ryan decided to head out to find any survivors and bring them back and told the group and his girls to stay at CDC.