Chapter 126: Kill With A Borrowed Knife_1

Beichuan sneered, "You want to commit murder with another's knife, without dirtying your own hands."

I have to admit, Du Qingyu was a vicious and ambitious woman, one could liken her to a deadly, seductive siren.

"I simply provided a piece of advice for you, your willingness to follow it is your own business, my loss wouldn't be great if you chose to ignore it…"

"Even if Su Hongxing leaves Qilan, do you think you stand a chance? You pitiful woman. He threw you away like worthless trash before, he certainly won't be picking you up again. Just think about your own status, seducing your own stepson, destroying his marriage. Does this give you a sense of accomplishment? Disgusting creature!"

Having vented his anger, Beichuan cut off the call before Du Qingyu had a chance to respond.

At this end, Du Qingyu's face turned many shades of colour before she could finally suppress the rage inside her.