Chapter 201: Su Su, You Are The Bride I've Chosen!_1

Under the attention of Su Hongxing and Beichuan, Ye Qilan walked in gracefully.

Seeing Beichuan sitting next to Su Hongxing really irked him. He marched forward, yanked Beichuan up, shoved him aside, and took his seat.

Both Su Hongxing and Beichuan thought that Ye Qilan's bullying demeanor was nothing short of banditry.

Beichuan took a deep breath to suppress his anger, then sneered, "Sisi, weren't you always saying that work comes first? This is supposed to be your busiest time."

Did Ye Qilan suddenly appear fearing he might say something inappropriate to Su Hongxing?

"I heard you disappeared for a few days, then appeared out of the blue. Out of friendly concern, I came over to check on you," Ye Qilan said as he casually draped his arm around Su Hongxing's shoulder, subtly tousling her hair.

His gesture, full of possessiveness, irked Beichuan.