Chapter 284: He is already dead..._1

Xiao Ji saw that Zhou Luhe still wanted to lay a hand on Su Hongxing and immediately lost his temper, pushing Zhou Luhe into a corner with force.

Zhou Luhe looked at Xiao Ji in disbelief, her eyes reddened: "You, you actually hit me for her?!"

Xiao Ji ignored Zhou Luhe, grabbed Su Hongxing's wrist, and led her into the elevator.

By the time Zhou Luhe had reacted, it was already too late. All she could do was watch as the elevator doors closed in front of her.

She kicked the wall in anger.

Su Hongxing, she swore she wouldn't let that woman off!


Su Hongxing and Xiao Ji left the office building, only to find that it had started raining at some point.

The raindrops on their faces had a hint of chill to them.

"Autumn has come," Su Hongxing murmured.

This was the first rain of autumn. The day was still blistering hot, yet the evening rain brought with it a coolness indicative of autumn.

"Yes, it's already autumn." Xiao Ji agreed with a sigh.