Chapter 341: Let Ye Qilan Kill His Own Flesh and Blood_1

"Really?" Ye Qilan tried to detect any signs of deceit on Su Hongxing's face. "You just spent nearly ten minutes in the restroom..."

"Your mention of it makes me want to go again." Su Hongxing replied, going back into the restroom and locking the door, leaving Ye Qilan on the outside.

Ye Qilan: "..."

Liu Qingyin was waiting outside, probably for half an hour. Seeing Ye Qilan finally come out, she stuck her head in to check the room, then threatened in a whisper, "Ye Qilan, if I find you mistreating my sister again, I will fight you to the death!"

Ye Qilan gave her a glance; his dislike for Liu Qingyin only increased.

Since the first time he saw Liu Qingyin, he couldn't form any liking towards her, even though she looked very similar to Su Hongxing, even their laughs were similar.

Upon making sure Ye Qilan had gone downstairs, the first thing Liu Qingyin did when she entered the room was to try and lock the door. After searching for a while, she realized she couldn't.