Chapter 5, I am Yuheng Xing Keqing

Gan Yu quickly came to the teleportation point outside Liyue Port and waited quietly.

This road is the only way to enter Liyue Port from Guiliyuan.

It was also Zhongli who told her the road that Bai Ye took.

Gan Yu was very curious at this time.

Who is that white night that Dijun mentioned?

Why, would he make such a decision again?

Anyway, since it is the emperor's will, there must be his deep meaning.

Perhaps Bai Ye is more powerful than imagined?

While she was meditating, Keqing, the purple cat in Liyue Seven Stars, also ran out of Liyue Harbor.

She came directly to Gan Yu.

"Gan Yu, what happened?"

"You ran over in such a hurry."

When Ke Qing came to Gan Yu's side, she frowned slightly.

Logically speaking, Gan Yu should be someone who would not leave work and run away.

And now? He left his work and ran here to wait quietly for something.

That's definitely what happened.

Otherwise, Gan Yu would not be so abnormal.

"Ke Qing!"

"The emperor has an order to let me wait here for someone."

"A person who can change Liyue."

When she said this, she was completely at a loss.

When Ke Qing heard this, she frowned deeply.

"The person who changed Liyue?"

"Are you sure you're not joking?"

She didn't understand at all what this meant.

Gan Yu nodded.

His eyes were full of bewilderment.

"That's what the emperor said."

"Although I don't know what's going on."

"But, let's wait for his arrival."

Gan Yu really couldn't figure out what happened.

As for Ke Qing, she was even more confused.

Someone who can change Liyue?

What does Liyue need to change?

What is Dijun doing?

Several questions in a row lingered in my mind.

Ke Qing looked at Gan Yu, she couldn't help asking.

"What else did the emperor say?"

Hearing Ke Qing's question, Gan Yu was stunned.

After thinking about it, Gan Yu said all the things that Zhongli told her together.

After listening to Gan Yu's explanation, Ke Qing was shocked.

"Emperor, this is..."

Ke Qing was shocked by what Gan Yu said.

She thought it was a great idea.

Perhaps, this is a good thing?

Gan Yu nodded.

Then he said with some mixed feelings:

"The emperor also said that Liyue will eventually be returned to the people of Liyue."

"That's why this person has arrived now."

"How to do it, I don't know."

As she said this, she sighed.

The meaning of Dijun's words is very clear.

Liyue has to start looking for changes to reduce the influence of him and the immortals on Liyue.

The Liyue who completely turned Liyue into a Liyue person, not the Liyue who was deeply influenced by the immortals.

When Ke Qing heard this, she immediately became excited.

She was still a little unhappy, but now she is looking forward to it.

What a sin.

Immediately, Ke Qing also absented from work.

She wanted to see what kind of person Dijun had his eye on.

The two quietly waited here.

Some businessmen passing by saw Keqing and Ganyu here, and they were a little baffled.

But being stared at by Ke Qing, many people felt guilty.

So he left here in a hurry.

Don't dare to stay longer.

After all, Yuheng Xing Keqing's reputation is too great.

I don't know how many unscrupulous businessmen have fallen into her hands.

Being stared at by Keqing is a lot of pressure, okay?

More than two hours passed.

Finally, a young man walked over alone.

Seeing this young man in strange clothes, Gan Yu froze for a moment.

Immediately, he also said to Keqing:

"It should be him."

"And... the God's Eye given by the emperor."

Hearing her words, Ke Qing also looked Bai Ye up and down.

He is handsome, but the clothes he is wearing are very strange.


"Go and ask."

After finishing speaking, Ke Qing walked up.

It should be him.

The two hurried forward.

As for Bai Ye, he saw Ke Qing and Gan Yu from a distance.

Seeing the two of them in reality, a flash of surprise flashed in Bai Ye's eyes.

it's beautiful.

Especially Nahis.

As expected of Tivat! !

It's just fantastic.


"I'm Keqing."

"Yuheng among the Liyue Seven Stars."

"Are you the one sent by the emperor to change Liyue?"

The resolute master engraving directly asked the doubts in his heart.

Gan Yu on the side is used to it.

She also introduced herself to Bai Ye.


"Excuse me, are you Bai Ye?"

"It was Dijun who asked me to come and receive you."

Hearing what the two said, Bai Ye nodded.

"I am White Night."

"As for the person who changed Liyue that Miss Keqing said."

"You flatter me too much."

"The emperor heard about my thoughts and experiences from another world, and signed a contract with me on a whim, hoping that I would bring some better changes to this Liyue."

"Plus, Dijun wants to retire."

"He just thought, let me try and see if I can bring some changes to Liyue."

"Liyue is very similar to the ancient country I used to be."

"Because of this, I talked a lot with Dijun, and he felt that many things from me were helpful."

"Just invite me to stay in Liyue and change Liyue."

Bai Ye told some of the conversation between himself and Zhongli.

When the two finished listening to Bai Ye's explanation, they immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

"We get it."

"Then, please come with me first."

"Keqing, please run first."

"Notify Ningguang."

"Call the other Liyue Seven Stars over."

"We need a meeting."

There is no doubt that this is a very important thing.

Gan Yudang even made a decision.

Let Keqing go back first.

And she followed closely behind with Bai Ye.

Ke Qing is faster.

Especially the elemental combat skills, which allow her to travel quickly.

Hearing Gan Yu's words, Ke Qing nodded.

She glanced at Bai Ye and didn't hesitate immediately.

Using elemental combat skills directly is to leave here quickly.

In a few blinks, she disappeared in place.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye was immediately amazed.

Ah Qing is much stronger in reality than in the game.

"Mr. Bai Ye."

"please follow me."

"I'll take you there, and let me introduce you to Liyue Port by the way."

Gan Yu extended an invitation to Bai Ye very seriously.

Hearing this, Bai Ye nodded.

"sorry to bother you."

"I'm also looking forward to Liyue Port."

Seeing this, Gan Yu didn't hesitate, and directly led Bai Ye towards Liyue Port below.

Look from here.

Liyue is really big, far from being as small as seen in the game.

Standing here and looking down is like standing on some hill in modern society and looking down at the big city below.

It looks quite spectacular.

Moreover, from here, Bai Ye could also see the palace floating in the air, it must be Qunyu Pavilion.

Gan Yu walked in front, and Bai Ye followed behind.

The two started towards Liyue Port one after the other.