Chapter 8, rebuilding a city on the former site of Liyue

Zhongli's sudden arrival made Bai Ye a little embarrassed.

As soon as I revealed the other party's identity, the other party ran over.

It just doesn't feel so sour.

Zhong Li looked at Bai Ye speechlessly.

Is it really okay to sell him backhanded?

After confirming Zhongli's identity.

Ning Guang and the others hurriedly got up and packed their luggage.

"I have seen the emperor."

Hearing their words, Zhong Li shook his head.


"Now I'm not the emperor, but a guest minister of the Hall of Rebirth."

"My identity, I hope you will keep it secret."

Zhong Li's words undoubtedly made everyone stunned.

But Ning Guang and the others hastily agreed.

When Baiwen and other secretaries saw this, they hurriedly moved chairs and served tea.

Zhong Li was not polite, but sat down directly.

"Bai Ye, continue talking."

Zhongli, who sat down, directly picked up the tea and drank it.

Hearing his words, Bai Ye nodded.

He didn't hesitate immediately, but continued to tell his plan.

"My plan is to rebuild a new city."

"Build a test city on Guiliyuan."

"Specially used to test certain decisions."

"For example, certain laws or decisions need to be practiced, and this new city can be used as a pilot."

"If it succeeds there, then it will spread to the whole Liyue."

"At the same time, it can also share the current pressure on Liyue Port."

"The newly built city is completely dominated by humans."

"In this way, the influence of the immortals and emperors in the new city is undoubtedly the lowest."

"Liyue can have gods and immortals, but she can't rely on gods and immortals for everything."

"People-oriented, Heaven is healthy, and a gentleman strives for self-improvement."

"So, let's go crazy about infrastructure."

"Let's develop Liyue vigorously first."

Maybe it's because of the strength in my body.

Bai Ye opened his mouth to these things.

Now Bai Ye's idea is very simple.

That is, completely build up Liyue.

There are many resources on the continent of Tivat.

Honestly, it would be a shame not to use it.

While doing infrastructure construction, change some concepts of Liyue people.

At the same time, it can share some of the burden of Liyue Port.

Even, because of the need for infrastructure construction, it can also promote a certain amount of economic growth.

Listen to what Bai Ye said.

Ning Guang touched his smooth chin and said:

"A good note indeed."

"However, there may be a lot of Mora involved."

"Just to buy materials or something, you need a lot of Mora."

"And to mine stones and things like that."

"It's a big project."

"Every three to five years, it is impossible to build a new city."

"Let's not talk about anything else."

"Just shipping materials and stuff like that is a big hassle."

"In this case, won't the time be too long?"

Hearing what she said, Bai Ye shook his head.

"It doesn't take much time."

"If there are enough people, it can be built in a year or so at most."

"In our world, there is something called cement, which is a good material for construction."

"And to be honest, those of you who raise watts, there are many resources around you that you don't know how to use."

"Such as rock slime and the like can solve the problem of materials very well."

"The stones spit out suddenly can be used to build a house if they are collected."

"Materials and so on can be obtained directly from the local area."

"It's time to go to the Adventurer's Guild to issue some tasks, just catch more slimes and come back."

"Thunder-type slimes can be used to generate electricity."

"It's no problem to use fire-type slime directly for cooking, and it can replace firewood."

"The wind slime can be used to make an airship and use it as a transportation machine."

"Well, it looks like someone is already doing that now."

"Ice-type slimes can be used to make refrigerators and the like."

"All in all, there are quite a lot of resources in this world."

"But none of you will take advantage."

"The industrial level can be said to be pitifully poor."

"Building a brand new Liyue may develop in this direction."

Listen to what Bai Ye said.

Several people immediately began to think about what he said in their minds.

There is no doubt that Bai Ye's words opened the door to a new world for them.

The slimes Bai Ye mentioned are everywhere in the wild.

And will be born again.

Some Qiuqiu people seem to be using them to make all kinds of things?

Thinking of this, Ning Guang and the others frowned slightly.

How do you feel that they are not as good as Qiuqiu people?

Inexplicably, I felt a little upset.

"Nice note."

"Dijun, what do you think?"

Ningguang was convinced by Bai Ye's words.

But I still have to ask Zhongli.

Hearing his words, Zhong Li shook his head.

"These things, you decide."

"I have decided to retire."

"Come here today, just to have a look."

Of course he had no problem.

And he was also very interested in what Bai Ye said.

Use all the monsters in the wild?

Hmm, kind of interesting.

This reminded Zhongli of someone.

The woman who made him feel troubled.

Seeing this, she immediately nodded.


"Return to you, how you want to build, just follow your ideas."

"However, I need someone to follow."

"Miss Keqing, you will follow Mr. Bai Ye from now on."

"How much money is needed, and what support Mr. Bai Ye can mention to Ke Qing, and then I will review the expenditure for you here."

"Liyue Port will not participate in the affairs there, and is only responsible for giving money."

"How to build it, you can figure it out yourself."

"If you need any manpower, you can apply to Keqing."

Hearing what Ning Guang said, Bai Ye nodded.

"no problem."

"Before that, we need to prepare some things."

"Let me give you the formula for the cement."

"Go get someone to fire it. This is the main material for building a house."

"And it can also be used to build roads."

"The current traffic is too inconvenient, if there is cement."

"It is absolutely possible to build a road to Mond or other areas."

"And it can make money."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Ning Guang was slightly taken aback.

But after thinking about it, she also felt that there was a lot of tricks in it.

"no problem."

"I'll give you a profit then."

"By the way, Mr. Bai Ye doesn't have a place to live, does he?"

"Baiwen, give Mr. Bai Ye the key to my vacant villa in Liyue Port."

She remembered something, and gave instructions directly to the secretary beside her.

Hearing Ningguang's order, Baiwen nodded.

Dang even went out to get the key.

Bai Ye has no objection to such an arrangement.

After all, she really didn't have a place to live.

It would be nice to have a place to stay in Liyue Port.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye didn't hesitate, and asked Ning Guang for a pen and paper.

He was going to write down the cement recipe and have someone start production.