Chapter 12, Is Walnut Here? give me my money back

Yaoguang Beach, Baiye is still very promising.

Can it be developed as a tourist attraction?

The beach, the sun, bikinis.

I feel it when I think about it.

Wouldn't it be a pleasure to build a small seaside villa by then.

People on Liyue's side don't seem to like traveling.

Every day I am obsessed with making money or making money.

Bai Ye felt that this was not going to work.

How can people not travel when they are rich?

Therefore, Bai Ye must develop these as well.

Building a brand new Liyue starts with the infrastructure.

To put it bluntly, this is similar to farming games.

How to develop and what rules should be set.

Just slowly transform Liyue into the shape you need.

Bai Ye embodied the models one by one on the table.

Looking at the house that Li Yuegu showed, both Gan Yu and Ke Qing's eyes widened.

The people from the General Affairs Department also saw what Bai Ye manifested.

They all surrounded them one by one.

Tall buildings.

The houses made of reinforced concrete had a huge impact on these Liyue people.

Tall buildings, glass windows, concrete roads.

This different style made many people in the General Affairs Department stare wide-eyed.

Bai Ye stopped after thoroughly planning the place.

"That's it for now."

"Wharf, commercial street, food street, residential area, light industrial area."

"That's all for now."

"As for the residential land, let's just build it in Mingyun Town."

"If anyone wants to move in the future, they can live directly in Mingyun Town."

"Below is Yaoguang Beach. If it is developed properly, it will be a tourist attraction."

"Isn't it nice to play on the beach in summer?"

"The only pity is that part of Guiliyuan's area is full of stones."

"It's still too difficult to use it to reclaim and grow food."

"However, it's not a big problem. The grain grown by Qingce Village alone is enough to supply the entire Liyue."

Bai Ye expressed all his thoughts.

It's a pity that Bai Ye can't grow food.

It is really too difficult to reclaim the land full of rocks to grow food.

Hearing Bai Ye's explanation, the two nodded.

Their eyes were fixed on the city model that Bai Ye made.

My heart is also full of expectations.

If it can really be built.

People from the other six countries will definitely be shocked when they come here.

"Alright, let's leave things like this for now."

"What we have to do now is to start paving the road, and then clean up the monsters."

"Those like the Qiuqiu people have to be cleaned up."

"Wait for the road repairs to pass, and then start building in this place first."

"Start from both sides of the road and build the houses first."

"The terrain here is flat, and we can start working after cleaning up the monsters on it."

The place Bai Ye mentioned is the place where Wangshu Inn crosses the bridge.

Listening to Bai Ye's words, both of them had no objection.

Instead, it was recorded.

After confirming this matter, Ke Qing looked at Bai Ye.

"Bai Ye, can this model stay here?"

"I think that woman Ning Guang should be allowed to take a look."

"In this case, it will be easier for her to pay."

Just as the purple cat and Maotou finished saying this.

The voice of Ning Guang rang out.


"I'm already here."

Hearing this voice, everyone looked over.

Ning Guang came directly to the table.

She looked at the city model constructed by Bai Ye.

I couldn't help but admire in my heart.

"Is this architectural style from your world?"


"However, to build such a high building, there must be a lot of materials needed."


However, before she finished speaking, Bai Ye threw out a list.

"The way steel bars are made."

"With this, there is no problem in producing all kinds of steel."

Bai Ye directly handed over the steelmaking method to Ningguang.

At the same time, there are some requirements of its own.

How to forge and what specifications to produce.

It was completely written according to the production standards of the previous life.

After staring at the information, she raised her eyebrows.

I don't understand, but it doesn't matter.

It's enough that someone can understand it.

"I understand, I will arrange it."

"If this is the case, then there's no problem."

Very good, and a huge profit.

Bai Ye didn't care, but continued to say:

"I think it's time to announce this to Liyue."

"Then go to the Adventurer's Association to release the mission."

"Let people start preparing."

"First clean up the monsters above, and then go to level the land."

"Before then, the road must be repaired to facilitate the transportation of materials."

"All in all, it will take a month."

"The thing about cleaning up the monsters still needs to be watched."

"In here, I will trouble you."

Listening to what Bai Ye said, the three of them nodded.


"Then prepare all the preliminary work before starting the construction."

"This model inspection...send it outside."

"Let other Liyue people know our next plan."

"Don't let people destroy it."

"Baiwen, I will leave this matter to you."

After Ning Guang was sure, she glanced at the mold on the table.

When even a decision has been made.

Hearing her words, Baiwen nodded hastily.

"Okay, Lord Ningguang."

Bai Ye also heard something at this time, and then continued to say:


"I'll give you the recipes for other things too."

"For example, this glass."

"These things Liyue doesn't have."

"If you want to build it like the model I made, you must produce glass."

After saying this, Bai Ye directly manifested a piece of paper and a pen.

Then I started to write on it.

See what Bai Ye manifested.

A flash of surprise flashed in his staring eyes.

Created out of thin air?

This traveler from another world seems to be very powerful.

And this pen...


Ning Guang was very interested in this.

In her eyes, what Bai Ye presented was a huge business opportunity.

At that time, we should have a good discussion with Bai Ye.

Let Bai Ye take out the products of his world.

Then he came to produce, and Bai Ye was responsible for collecting the money.

In this way, they can also earn the cost of building a new city.

His thoughts turned, and Ningguang quickly made a decision.

After Bai Ye wrote the thing, it was handed over to Ning Guang again.

Looking at the things Bai Ye handed over, Ning Guang nodded.

She looked at the model Bai Ye made again.


Got it, I'll replace it with my Qunyu Pavilion later.

"Okay, that's all for now."

"If you need anything, come to me anytime."

"Next, I will continue to wander around Liyue Port."

"Come to this world, I haven't visited Liyue yet."

"Talk slowly."

After saying this, Bai Ye got up and walked out.

Prepare to take a stroll in Liyue Port.

Then buy something or something.

By the way, drink tea and walk the birds?

Ok! !

Let's see if I can meet Miss Hutao.

Bai Ye really likes his first full-life character.

By the way... Let her refund the money! ! !