Chapter 21, This Is Really Not Illegal Child Labor

Bai Ye brought Keli to her destination.

Looking at the shallows and those stones in front of him.

Bai Ye said directly to Ke Li:


"The reason why I invited you here this time is to let you blow this place thoroughly."

Bai Ye pointed to the area in front of her, and said to Keli.

After obtaining the God's Eye of the Rock Department, I have a clear understanding of the situation here.

It is not difficult for Keli to blow up here.

And, most importantly, there is an underground river under the river below.

This is what surprised Bai Ye the most.

In other words, just blast the upper stone layer.

Then, this place will reach the depth that Bai Ye wants.

Transforming it into a pier is also a very simple matter.

"Do you want Keli to blow up this place?"

"Is it really possible to do this?"

"If Keli blows up, will she be locked up?"

Keli stared blankly at Bai Ye.

It's so big here, and there are so many fish.

Can she really blow it up casually?

Seeing the cute little Keli, the corners of Bai Ye's mouth rose slightly.


"However, it must be fried according to my design."

"And the fried place is below."

"So, can you do it?"

"Can Keli's bomb explode in water?"

The water level above the place in front of me is about two meters.

This is the deepest place.

For Keli, it shouldn't be a difficult task.

After hearing that, Keli nodded hurriedly.

"No problem, Brother Bai Ye."

"Kelly can explode."

"Just increase the power of the bomb."

"And I have a waterproof bomb."

"Just throw it into the river and it will explode."

"However, Brother Bai Ye, what will happen to those stones after they explode?"

"Do you want people to go down and move up?"

If it just exploded, it wouldn't be a big problem.

But after the explosion, what about the gravel below?

What should we do?

Hearing what Keli was thinking about, Bai Ye suddenly smiled.

"Don't worry, Keli can just blow it up."

"Down there, there is an underground river."

"What Keli has to do is to almost blow up the rock formation above the underground river."

"Then these stones will fall down."

"In this way, there is no need to worry about stones."

If the upper part is completely blown away, it is estimated that this side will directly subside for tens of meters.

When the time comes, the chain reaction will directly cause the water level here to undergo earth-shaking changes.

It's a very simple matter when the water level gets deeper and you want to build a pier.

Hearing what Bai Ye said, Keli's eyes widened.

"Ke Li understands."

"Then Keli will go back and prepare the bomb."

"Prepare a huge bouncing bomb!!"

When she said this, Keli's eyes were full of excitement.

Well, it's still like this.

In this way, Keli doesn't need to worry.

Bai Ye nodded.

"Let me take you to understand the situation here first."

"Let's take a look at where the bomb should start, and then it can be completed directly."

"When the time comes, I'll ask someone to drill a hole for you below."

"It's more convenient to fry like this."

Keli nodded hurriedly when she heard the words.

"Okay, Brother Baiye!"

Seeing this, Bai Ye didn't hesitate, and directly found a bamboo raft.

Then he took Keli and started wandering around here.

How should it be fried here.

Where it was bombed, Bai Ye made it clear.

Bai Ye just wanted a pier.

He didn't want Keli to blow up the bridge leading to Mingyun Town.

If this is the case, then it will be a headache.

Therefore, Bai Ye had to plan for Keli from the very beginning, where to bomb.

After taking Keli to paddle around here, Keli also figured it out.

The place that Bai Ye drew for her is the place that can be bombed, right?

She understands.

This place is huge, everything can be blown up.

But Keli was overjoyed.

After Keli understood, Bai Ye brought Keli back to the Wangshu Inn.

Back here, she went directly to the room arranged by Keqing to fiddle.

Bai Ye continued to do her own thing.

Continue to draw your own things.

Keli's side is fine for the time being.

The next step is to repair the bridge leading to Mingyun Town.

That road must be taken.

There are many resources on the snow mountain, and Bai Ye will not waste them.

White Night does not belong to Mond nor Liyue.

Theoretically speaking, both countries can go to the snow-capped mountains to mine resources.

When the bridge was repaired, many people went to Mond through the snow mountain.

This can be regarded as another road to Mond.

It is also necessary to build it.

Based on the original model, Bai Ye started to make out the model of the snow mountain.

Then a bridge was created directly.

A four-lane bridge built with steel bars and concrete.

Bai Ye planned to do it all at once.

After all, things like cars will definitely be produced in the future.

It is still necessary to build an alchemy technology system with the characteristics of Tivat.

The technology developed by Kanria in the past has a great reference effect.

However, all the things they produced were used in the war.

And it also involves taboos.

Then, the ashes were thrown away.

Naturally, Bai Ye would not make the same mistake.

Look for an opportunity to call Abedo over.

Then use the chaos core as the core to produce cars and the like.

These are all possible, aren't they?

As long as there are elements, they can continuously provide energy.

The center of chaos, the loop of chaos, and the chaos device are all sources of energy.

Then, the Chaos Organ serves as a source of power.

With these two, if you want to make a car, there is no problem at all.

There are many thoughts in Bai Ye's mind.

In addition to these, another example is the floating crystallization nucleus, which can be used to make aircraft.

A complete energy core can provide good buoyancy.

What's more, working robots can all be made using the alchemy of this world.

It's just that no one has integrated them now.

Xumi may have it, but it is still in its infancy.

After all, the age of steam has just entered.

On Liyue's side, there is absolutely no such thing.

And what Bai Ye has to do is to integrate these things.

Build a new system.

Give him time, even if it's an airplane, Bai Ye can figure it out for you.

As long as you have a big brain, rely on the alchemy of this world.

You can completely build what you want.

There are really too many resources that can be used.

Moreover, Bai Ye also began to try to learn alchemy.

As long as you have mastered and understood alchemy.

So many things, Bai Ye can use the power of the Herrscher of Reason to construct them.

By then, Bai Ye alone will be a factory.

For some things that continue to be used, Bai Ye can build them in an instant.

It may not be used now, but it will definitely be used in the future.

To plan ahead, Bai Ye still understands.

However, what needs to be done now is to build the city first.

Then I went to get out the thoughts in my mind one by one.